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What Is This GWEN Tower Really For?

By defendersoftruth69 | April 30, 2017

Continue reading What Is This GWEN Tower Really For?

The Two Most Misunderstood and Misused Economic Terms?

By Charles | April 28, 2017

  The Two Most Misunderstood and Misused Economic Terms? In my opinion, it has to be the terms: a) “trade deficit” and b) “trade imbalance,” because those two terms are almost always … Continue reading The Two Most Misunderstood and Misused Economic Terms?

Trump’s FCC Votes to Allow Broadband Rate Hikes for Schools and Libraries

By Charles | April 25, 2017

Another day, another anti-consumer corporate giveaway. Source: Trump’s FCC Votes to Allow Broadband Rate Hikes for Schools and Libraries – Motherboard Continue reading Trump’s FCC Votes to Allow Broadband Rate Hikes for Schools and Libraries

Media Fail

Voices: College students should be very worried about the national debt. Here’s why.

By Charles | April 24, 2017

It’s a big deal. This article is a complete failure. It tries to equate the US National Debt with high student debt, going so far as to say the increasing national debt … Continue reading Voices: College students should be very worried about the national debt. Here’s why.

Do You Believe You Can Change Your Destiny?

By ChiefOlori | April 23, 2017

Yes, we can….How so? It is believed in the Yoruba African Tradition that our ORI (our inner head) selects our Destiny even before being born and coming to Earth. In the process of leaving Heaven, choices are presented to our ORI, and it is ORI that picks the path of life that … Continue reading Do You Believe You Can Change Your Destiny?

Do something! Statue of Liberty @elizafrye streetart

By Underground | April 21, 2017

Do something! Statue of Liberty @elizafrye #streetart Melrose Avenue Via Instagram Continue reading Do something! Statue of Liberty @elizafrye streetart

Our Misguided ‘Wars of Choice’

By Charles | April 18, 2017

There is one foreign policy goal that matters above all the others, and that is to keep the United States out of a new war, whether in Syria, North Korea, or elsewhere. … Continue reading Our Misguided ‘Wars of Choice’

Under Reported

Trump’s CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Freedoms

By Charles | April 14, 2017

Why is the U.S. press corps so silent about an actual threat to press freedom? This is a pretty scary article when you read it. Pompeo is literally threatening the very existence … Continue reading Trump’s CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Freedoms

Did Assad Really Use Sarin?

By Johns | April 12, 2017

Almost immediately after video of the alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib hit Western media, Assad was declared guilty by US news networks and political commentators. Could they really have investigated and … Continue reading Did Assad Really Use Sarin?

The New York Times’ Unbelievably Stupid Explanation For Assad’s Alleged Gas Attack

By Johns | April 7, 2017

Before we get into the face-melting stupidity of the article itself, let me remind you dear reader that the Times played a crucial role in duping the American public into supporting the unfathomably destructive invasion of Iraq and was unforgivably supportive of the regime change that ended up killing a million innocent … Continue reading The New York Times’ Unbelievably Stupid Explanation For Assad’s Alleged Gas Attack

Media Fail

The Grim Logic Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attack

By Johns | April 6, 2017

The idea, analysts say, is to demoralize President Bashar al-Assad’s foes, showing them that their cause is hopeless and that no one will come to their aid. What a stupid article. Why … Continue reading The Grim Logic Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attack

Pepsi’s bad idea for a commercial

By Charles | April 5, 2017

Responses: ““Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Pepsi.”” Source: Donald J. Trump on Twitter (parody account) Imagine putting your life on the line like this to fight for justice only to have it parodied … Continue reading Pepsi’s bad idea for a commercial