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Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2017

By Underground | June 15, 2017

Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2017 being introduced today in Congress. — Michael Li (@mcpli) June 14, 2017 This will not pass of course with the current makeup of Congress, but … Continue reading Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2017

UK student loan debt soars to more than £100bn

By Underground | June 15, 2017

News of growing total owed by 6.4 million borrowers follows Labour’s general election pledge to scrap tuition fees Source: UK student loan debt soars to more than £100bn | Money | The … Continue reading UK student loan debt soars to more than £100bn

Facebook requests input on hard questions about fake news and censorship

By Underground | June 15, 2017

How should Facebook decide what’s allowed on its social network, and how to balance safety and truth with diverse opinions and cultural norms? Facebook wants your feedback on the toughest issues… This … Continue reading Facebook requests input on hard questions about fake news and censorship

Income distributions in Americans’ pastimes

By Underground | June 15, 2017

Source: Income distributions in Americans’ pastimes [OC] – dataisbeautiful Continue reading Income distributions in Americans’ pastimes

The curse of imagination

By Underground | May 20, 2017

The curse of imagination is picturing the world as it should be #morley #streetart Casita del Campo Via Instagram Continue reading The curse of imagination

Why Uber Is A Scam – Math Explains

By Johns | May 14, 2017

Source: Why Uber Is A Scam – Math Explains Continue reading Why Uber Is A Scam – Math Explains

Just breath – notes to self streetart

By Underground | May 12, 2017

Just breath – notes to self #streetart #notestoself Intelligentsia – Silver Lake Via Instagram Continue reading Just breath – notes to self streetart

All hail king baby! Institute of Comparative Vandalism streetart

By Underground | May 12, 2017

All hail king baby! #streetart Institute of Comparative Vandalism Intelligentsia – Silver Lake Via Instagram Continue reading All hail king baby! Institute of Comparative Vandalism streetart

Anti-protest bills would ‘attack right to speak out’ under Donald Trump

By Charles | May 8, 2017

The ACLU says more than 30 bills have been introduced amid a huge swell of activism, prompting UN intervention over criminalization of peaceful protest Isn’t the right to peaceful protest a constitutional right? Source: Anti-protest bills would ‘attack right to speak out’ under Donald Trump | World news | The Guardian Continue reading Anti-protest bills would ‘attack right to speak out’ under Donald Trump

Billboards expose lawmakers who voted to sell your personal internet data to corporations

By Brycemills | May 5, 2017 1 Continue reading Billboards expose lawmakers who voted to sell your personal internet data to corporations

9 questions about North Korea you were too embarrassed to ask – Vox

By Animosinyan | May 3, 2017

Tensions between the US and North Korea are heating up. Here’s how we got to this point — and where we might be headed. Source: 9 questions about North Korea you were … Continue reading 9 questions about North Korea you were too embarrassed to ask – Vox

The North Korean nuclear threat, explained – Vox

By Animosinyan | May 3, 2017

Experts are urging Trump to act now, while he still can. Source: The North Korean nuclear threat, explained – Vox Continue reading The North Korean nuclear threat, explained – Vox