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Hacker who helped expose Ohio rape case pleads guilty, faces more prison time than rapists
A Kentucky man who, in 2012, hacked into an online account for followers of a Ohio high school’s football team to expose a gang rape of a teenage girl has pleaded guilty … Continue reading Hacker who helped expose Ohio rape case pleads guilty, faces more prison time than rapists
The Cure for Fake News Is Worse Than the Disease
Once established to crush fake news, the Facebook mechanism could be repurposed to crush other types of information that might cause moral panic. Who decides what’s fake news? If news organizations shortly … Continue reading The Cure for Fake News Is Worse Than the Disease
Liberals are taking their eyes off the ball — here are 3 things they should do instead
[Trump] won — what you have to do now is to figure out what to do about it. Half of you are happy Trump won, but if you are part of the … Continue reading Liberals are taking their eyes off the ball — here are 3 things they should do instead
Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say?
Researchers say sophisticated tools were used to boost Trump and undermine Clinton. Is this an example of complete failure by our own mainstream media pointing the finger at Russia as spreading “fake … Continue reading Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say?
U.K. Parliament Approves Unprecedented New Hacking and Surveillance Powers
The Investigatory Powers Bill, dubbed the “Snoopers’ Charter” by critics, will hand British police and spy agencies new powers to hack computers and access vast troves of private data. “Every citizen will … Continue reading U.K. Parliament Approves Unprecedented New Hacking and Surveillance Powers
If you get your news from Facebook, you live in an unrealistic bubble. This app might help.
Facebook has been getting a bad rep lately for a lot of different things, but there’s one you can fix yourself today by installing one simple app. When Trump got elected, Democrats … Continue reading If you get your news from Facebook, you live in an unrealistic bubble. This app might help.
The North Pole is too warm, again
At no point this month has the Pole been colder than average. It seems a little like science fiction that we don’t talk more about this kind of thing. I mean, doesn’t … Continue reading The North Pole is too warm, again
This 21-year-old woman may lose her arm after the most recent #NoDAPL protests
This 21-year-old woman may lose her arm after the most recent #NoDAPL protests. pic.twitter.com/gQaZCPOPOo — AJ+ (@ajplus) November 24, 2016 This is bad. A concussion grenade fired by the police at a North … Continue reading This 21-year-old woman may lose her arm after the most recent #NoDAPL protests
Bernie Sanders should pay Donald Trump a visit
It might seem incongruous. What would the nationalist, brash Trump have to gain from the aging socialist Sanders? Well, maybe quite a bit. Trump explicitly proclaimed during the campaign that he was … Continue reading Bernie Sanders should pay Donald Trump a visit
UK politicians approve ‘extreme surveillance’ law
The Investigatory Powers Bill, which was passed on Thursday, would, among other measures, require websites to keep customers’ browsing history for up to a year and allow law enforcement agencies access to … Continue reading UK politicians approve ‘extreme surveillance’ law
Trump’s $1 trillion plan hits D.C. speed bumps
Donald Trump’s pitch for a $1 trillion upgrade of the nation’s roads, bridges, tunnels and airports is already running into potholes as it meets reality in Washington. But it doesn’t need to … Continue reading Trump’s $1 trillion plan hits D.C. speed bumps
The Stark Contrast Between GOP’s Self-Criticism in 2012 and Democrats’ Blame-Everyone-Else Posture Now
One would assume that the operatives and loyalists of such a weak, defeated and wrecked political party would be eager to engage in some introspection and self-critique, and to produce a frank accounting of what … Continue reading The Stark Contrast Between GOP’s Self-Criticism in 2012 and Democrats’ Blame-Everyone-Else Posture Now
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