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Under Reported

Shell’s Second Spill In Two Weeks: Why Are We Silent?

By Shirley | June 3, 2016

Our environment is dying, and all we’re talking about is Donald Trump?! Dude?! What is going on? Shell is spilling gas everywhere and posing a serious threat to marine life and no one … Continue reading Shell’s Second Spill In Two Weeks: Why Are We Silent?

Northeastern University Offers Alumni a Fucked Up Student Debt Lottery

By Shirley | June 2, 2016

Crushing, inescapable student debt is a national crisis that no one seems to be in any hurry to address—no one, that is, except Northeastern University in Boston, which is texting alumni with … Continue reading Northeastern University Offers Alumni a Fucked Up Student Debt Lottery

Trickle Down Economics

By Charles | June 1, 2016 1

Via @ChrisCr711 How we are we are told it works vs. how it really works. Time to move on to a theory that actually works. Continue reading Trickle Down Economics

Just a murder-suicide in a small UCLA office. And so America shrugs

By Charles | June 1, 2016

The call came from the UCLA campus just before 10 a.m. – someone had opened fire with a gun. “Active shooter,” and the warning went out for those on campus to shelter in place. … Continue reading Just a murder-suicide in a small UCLA office. And so America shrugs


Why a Brooklyn Judge Refused to Send a Drug Courier to Prison

By Shirley | June 1, 2016 1

A cutting-edge opinion cited the long-term consequences that convicted felons face after they’ve completed their sentences. It’s crazy how this country doesn’t support or help you after you’ve been through some trouble. … Continue reading Why a Brooklyn Judge Refused to Send a Drug Courier to Prison

Vintage Innovation

By ADSAUSAGE | May 31, 2016

In 1959, the Chrysler Corporation had things figured out. For people too lazy to accomplish the mammoth task of turning their body slightly when exiting a vehicle, they offered something new; Swivel Seats. Of course, … Continue reading Vintage Innovation

Under Reported

Iceland proves the nation state is alive and well

By Charles | May 31, 2016 2

On May 27, 2016, Statistics Iceland (the national statistical agency) released the news – Iceland economy to grow by 4.3% in 2016. The nation is enjoying strong household consumption and investment growth … Continue reading Iceland proves the nation state is alive and well

City of Sugar Land criticized for newly erected statue

By Shirley | May 31, 2016

Sugar Land recently installed two bronze sculptures in the Town Square’s public plaza, but instead of enjoying them, people are criticizing the city. Hah! Instead of complaining about something important, people are … Continue reading City of Sugar Land criticized for newly erected statue

Ann Coulter Calls Asian Americans “Mandarins” — and Insists It’s the Correct Term

By Shirley | May 31, 2016

In a bill signed into law this week by President Obama I most definitely agree with the author Jenn Fang. Why does Ann Coulter keep getting invited onto these shows? Why does … Continue reading Ann Coulter Calls Asian Americans “Mandarins” — and Insists It’s the Correct Term

You’re witnessing the death of neoliberalism – from within

By Charles | May 31, 2016

IMF economists have published a remarkable paper admitting that the ideology was oversold The very headline delivers a jolt. For so long mainstream economists and policymakers have denied the very existence of … Continue reading You’re witnessing the death of neoliberalism – from within

Why a Universal Basic Income Will Not Solve Poverty But Guaranteed Jobs Can

By Charles | May 31, 2016

In this world where work remains an important social, psychological and economic anchor, there are better tools to help than giving every American a monthly check. What this article points out, there … Continue reading Why a Universal Basic Income Will Not Solve Poverty But Guaranteed Jobs Can

How to Protect Yourself From Vengeful Exes and Trolls

By Charles | May 31, 2016 1

A female cyber-security specialist discusses the best ways to guard your sensitive information (nudes, sexts, emails). You would think the best answer is “just don’t take or send nude selfies!” But listening … Continue reading How to Protect Yourself From Vengeful Exes and Trolls