John McCain and Mitch McConnell want the FBI to have warrantless access to your internet browsing history. An amendment known as Mccain amendment 4787, seeks to give the government warrantless access to your internet browsing history under the Patriot Act. Luckily one website is making it incredibly easy … Continue reading John McCain and Mitch McConnell want the FBI to have warrantless access to your internet browsing history. 


Anti-Choice Groups Use Smartphone Surveillance to Target ‘Abortion-Minded Women’ During Clinic Visits

Women who have visited almost any abortion clinic in the United States have seen anti-choice protesters outside, wielding placards and chanting abuse. A Boston advertiser’s technology, when deployed by anti-choice groups, allows … Continue reading Anti-Choice Groups Use Smartphone Surveillance to Target ‘Abortion-Minded Women’ During Clinic Visits