What Biden Can Learn from Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’

What Biden Can Learn from Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’

What President Biden can learn from Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal.” Financial reform, ie: stand up to the private-equity interests that do not serve the interests of the people: Roosevelt also picked supremely competent people — the wily speculator Joseph P. Kennedy, the brainy James Landis, the fiery young William O. Douglas — … Continue reading What Biden Can Learn from Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’

MMT the Movie: Coming to a Festival Near You

MMT the Movie: Coming to a Festival Near You

Long before Covid-19 disrupted everything, a filmmaker named Maren Poitras started following [Stephanie Kelton] around the country. She filmed [her] speaking at conferences, teaching, giving interviews, and going about daily life. She attended the Third International MMT Conference at Stony Brook University in September 2019, where she interviewed many of the world’s … Continue reading MMT the Movie: Coming to a Festival Near You

Wealthy bankers and businessmen plotted to overthrow FDR. A retired general foiled it.

Wealthy bankers and businessmen plotted to overthrow FDR. A retired general foiled it.

Some of the country’s wealthiest men – furious with President Franklin D. Roosevelt – decided to install a dictator who was more business friendly, according to the congressional testimony of a highly decorated Marine Corps general who was enlisted to participate in the 1933 coup. Amazing what lengths wealthy bankers will go … Continue reading Wealthy bankers and businessmen plotted to overthrow FDR. A retired general foiled it.

The true, Terry Pratchett-esque origins of the trillion-dollar coin - Cory Doctorow

The true, Terry Pratchett-esque origins of the trillion-dollar coin – Cory Doctorow

The debt ceiling debate is genuinely absurd: Congress authorized the spending of new dollars, so the Treasury has to create them. For Congress to turn around and force the Treasury not to create the dollars it ordered the Treasury to create is an obvious political gimmick. Hence the trillion dollar coin… Now … Continue reading The true, Terry Pratchett-esque origins of the trillion-dollar coin – Cory Doctorow

The guy behind “Mint the Coin” to end the debt ceiling: The trillion-dollar scheme, explained by its inventor – Vox

Instead of issuing new debt and running afoul of the debt ceiling, the Treasury secretary could simply fund the government by minting platinum coins. In 2013, even former US Mint Director Philip … Continue reading The guy behind “Mint the Coin” to end the debt ceiling: The trillion-dollar scheme, explained by its inventor – Vox