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I have traveled a far and treacherous journey to find

By Katerina | September 16, 2012

Continue reading I have traveled a far and treacherous journey to find

The world needs American leadership?

By Charles | September 13, 2012

“The world needs American leadership. The Middle East needs American leadership,” @MittRomney stated “And I intend to be a President that provides the leadership that America respects and will keep us admired … Continue reading The world needs American leadership?

E-voting without fraud

By Charles | September 11, 2012

David Bismark: E-voting without fraud Here is an electronic voting machine that prevents fraud and is verifiable, from TED Talks. More about this Prêt à Voter system. Here is a website for … Continue reading E-voting without fraud

Hey, where’d my vote go? Electronic Voting Machines and Democracy.

By Charles | September 9, 2012

This week we talk about something that has been occurring in the past few Presidential elections that nobody wants to talk about for fear of being branded as paranoid or a conspiracy … Continue reading Hey, where’d my vote go? Electronic Voting Machines and Democracy.

Get off yer fone #streetart

By Katerina | September 5, 2012

Continue reading Get off yer fone #streetart

Obama, Reddit and Brazzers?

By Charles | September 1, 2012

Obama and Reddit! This week Obama being a little upset that Mitt Romney was getting all the attention with this Republican National Convention.. did what all frustrated famous people do when they … Continue reading Obama, Reddit and Brazzers?

Can we ever be happy as a society again?

By Charles | August 28, 2012

Think about it… currently we have a Democratic President and the Republicans are doing everything they can to convince their followers that Obama is destroying the country and … Continue reading Can we ever be happy as a society again?

What Todd Akin meant by Legitimate Rape and why it should concern you.

By Charles | August 25, 2012

This week the Political Minute touches on a topic that is instrumental to one political party’s platform.. and that is the issue of abortion…. thankfully brought back to the fore front by … Continue reading What Todd Akin meant by Legitimate Rape and why it should concern you.

President of Ireland stands up to the Tea-Partiers!

By Charles | August 23, 2012

Michael D Higgins v Michael Graham (Newstalk 106-108fm, 2010) Continue reading President of Ireland stands up to the Tea-Partiers!

Greed is God #StreetArt #melrose

By Katerina | August 21, 2012

Continue reading Greed is God #StreetArt #melrose

Julian Assange, UK, Sweden, Ecuador, War and a Broken Condom?

By Charles | August 20, 2012

Julian Assange is a guy who runs a website called Wikileaks, which exposes government secrets that people send him. Isn’t it treason to expose government secrets? If you work for the government, then … Continue reading Julian Assange, UK, Sweden, Ecuador, War and a Broken Condom?

Pop-Pop’s in the Cloud now, sweetheart

By Charles | August 18, 2012

This New Yorker cartoon is very predictive of the future. Pretty soon we will all be uploading ourselves (our brains?) to the cloud. Source: Continue reading Pop-Pop’s in the Cloud now, sweetheart