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What Biden Can Learn from Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’

What Biden Can Learn from Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’

What President Biden can learn from Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal.” Financial reform, ie: stand up to the private-equity interests that do not serve the interests of the people: Roosevelt also picked supremely competent people — the wily speculator Joseph P. Kennedy, the brainy James Landis, the fiery young William O. Douglas — … Continue reading What Biden Can Learn from Roosevelt’s ‘New Deal’

MMT the Movie: Coming to a Festival Near You

MMT the Movie: Coming to a Festival Near You

Long before Covid-19 disrupted everything, a filmmaker named Maren Poitras started following [Stephanie Kelton] around the country. She filmed [her] speaking at conferences, teaching, giving interviews, and going about daily life. She attended the Third International MMT Conference at Stony Brook University in September 2019, where she interviewed many of the world’s … Continue reading MMT the Movie: Coming to a Festival Near You

US Copyright Office wants to hear what people think about AI and copyright

US Copyright Office wants to hear what people think about AI and copyright

The US Copyright Office is opening a public comment period around AI and copyright issues beginning August 30th as the agency figures out how to approach the subject. As announced in the Federal Register, the agency wants to answer three main questions: how AI models should use copyrighted data in training; whether … Continue reading US Copyright Office wants to hear what people think about AI and copyright