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The Snowden Documents and Sweden

By Charles | December 11, 2013

This looks like an interesting documentary on the Snowden Documents and how Sweden, the country that is “totally not in bed with the United States and is totally not doing the United’s … Continue reading The Snowden Documents and Sweden

Live grilling of Guardian Newspaper Editor by UK Parliament

By Charles | December 3, 2013

Exchange going on right now live where the editor of the Guardian Newspaper in the UK, Alan Rusbridger is getting grilled by Parliament regarding the reporting of the Snowden NSA revelations. Great … Continue reading Live grilling of Guardian Newspaper Editor by UK Parliament

Greece criminalizing anti-mining journalism and dissent

By Charles | November 28, 2013

The Greek politicians basically giving gold-rich land to a mining company for free, for the symbolic price of 1 Euro,  is one more example of the looting of all Greek resources by other … Continue reading Greece criminalizing anti-mining journalism and dissent

No “Thanks” in Thanksgiving?

By Charles | November 27, 2013

Jack doesn’t want to celebrate Thanksgiving because of what it supposedly originally meant. Continue reading No “Thanks” in Thanksgiving?

“Twerky” the Twerking Turkey

By Charles | November 26, 2013

In preparation for this week’s Political Mammals where Jack feels that there is no “Thanks” in Thanksgiving, and in light of the whole “twerking” phenomenon recently “popularized” (if you can call it … Continue reading “Twerky” the Twerking Turkey

Anonymity in a Box

By Charles | November 25, 2013

As Snowden and Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald), the reporter working with Snowden, indicated, the TOR network has still not been compromised by the NSA – which is why, as I reported earlier, the … Continue reading Anonymity in a Box

Warrant Canary – How to Stop the NSA Abuse

By Charles | November 24, 2013

We don’t have a problem with governments spying, they all do it, we know.  If they want to camp outside our offices with a camera and a long lens, they won’t see … Continue reading Warrant Canary – How to Stop the NSA Abuse

The App

By Charles | November 19, 2013

Record • Upload • Be Seen • Be Heard Introducing the Underground Network App, download it for free, record something interesting, either something you see or something you want to say, hit upload … Continue reading The App

Google to Target 100,000 Search Terms

By Charles | November 18, 2013

As reported in the Guardian today, at the Downing Street summit tomorrow in the UK, British and US law enforcement agencies are to jointly target online child abuse by … Continue reading Google to Target 100,000 Search Terms

Russell Brand BBC Paxman Interview Regarding The Current State of Politics

By Charles | November 4, 2013 1

Great interview. The BBC interviewer Jeremy Paxman asks Russell Brand what authority he has to criticize the current state of politics since he’s never voted, and Russell’s response reflects what most young … Continue reading Russell Brand BBC Paxman Interview Regarding The Current State of Politics

Comcast donating heavily to defeat mayor who is bringing gigabit Internet to Seattle

By Charles | November 2, 2013

McGinn is a pretty forward thinking mayor who did an AMA on reddit a week or so back and he stated that Comcast gave Murray, the guy he’s running up against, “a big … Continue reading Comcast donating heavily to defeat mayor who is bringing gigabit Internet to Seattle

Halloween Costumes!

By Charles | October 28, 2013

Phil has a theory about costumes on Halloween. Continue reading Halloween Costumes!