But is the average $27 every day? Not according to data from the campaign.

This article is complete propaganda bullshit. The article title is implying that Sanders is lying about the average contribution to his campaign. You immediately think that the $27 number is totally false and he’s probably getting in the thousands like other candidates.

But when you get to the bottom of the article, you see that over the past week or so the contribution size has fluctuated and inched up a bit and now the average contribution is 89 cents higher for an average of $27.89

WTF? I read a whole article with the assumption that Bernie has been lying to us about his average contribution size, thus throwing his whole honesty into question and in the last sentence you tell me he’s only off by 89 cents?

Thanks for wasting my time Philip Bump at the Washington Post.

Source: Bernie Sanders keeps saying his average donation is $27, but his own numbers contradict that – The Washington Post

One thought on “Bernie Sanders keeps saying his average donation is $27, but his own numbers contradict that

  1. Yeah, that is almost laughable, actually. That’s an example of wasting time for the sake of a title to make Bernie out to be a liar. I can’t believe that it even got published!

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