The Sunrise Movement, a group of young environmental activists that organize throughout the United States, caused a stir last week when more than 150 of its members staged a sit-in at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office in Washington, D.C., to demand aggressive action against climate change. Ultimately, 51 young people were arrested.

The movement’s main goals are to convince legislators to stop taking money from the fossil-fuel industry and to pledge their support for a Green New Deal, a plan which charts a path to a 100 percent renewable energy economy in the 12 years before the effects of climate change become irreversible. Right now, the young activists — who range in age from 12 to 25 — are targeting Democratic representatives and representatives-elect in preparation for their retaking of the House.

Good, because real change is going to require shaking things up.

Source: The climate activists who got arrested at Nancy Pelosi’s office are just getting started – VICE News

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