“There’s now this idea that anyone who voted for him has to be defined by the worst of his rhetoric.”

“I don’t believe we are a fundamentally different country today than we were two weeks ago,” Stewart said. “The same country, with all its grace and flaws and volatility and insecurity and strength and resilience, exists today as existed two weeks ago. The same country that elected Donald Trump elected Barack Obama.”

One of the ongoing debates since the surprise upset has been what Trump’s victory means. Most agree that Trump votes were statements against the “establishment,” but there seems to be some disagreement over which establishment. The Democratic Party and a purportedly corrupt media industry? Our government as a whole? Stewart seems to believe it’s the latter—though he just couldn’t resist squeezing in one small dig at the G.O.P.

“Donald Trump is a reaction not just to Democrats,” Stewart said, “[but also] to Republicans,” Stewart said. “He’s not a Republican. He’s a repudiation of Republicans. But they will reap the benefit of his victory—in all their cynicism.”

Liberals now tend to paint Trump supporters with a broad brush, Stewart noted—a sentiment he called hypocritical, considering how adamantly liberals tend to fight against viewing various groups as singular entities.

Great viewpoint by Jon Stewart. The dialog needs to get beyond the name calling so that we can focus on the real issues, and making sure our government continues to keep moving in the right direction. Remember, our government works for us.

Source: Jon Stewart Points Out Liberal Hypocrisy in Wake of Donald Trump’s Win | Vanity Fair

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