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Stop Facebook From Following You Around the Web

By Charles | June 19, 2016

As it often does, Facebook recently tweaked the way its advertising (and privacy) settings work, which means you now have extra options when it comes to stopping your social media activities from … Continue reading Stop Facebook From Following You Around the Web

Under Reported

Chicago’s new normal: Five people killed and 12 injured by gunfire overnight Friday

By Charles | June 18, 2016

The deaths bring the week’s total number of fatal shootings to 18 so far, with another 81 wounded. This is just Chacago alone. Source: Chicago’s new normal: Five people killed and 12 … Continue reading Chicago’s new normal: Five people killed and 12 injured by gunfire overnight Friday


Richest 1% Now Wealthier Than the Rest of the World, Oxfam Says

By Charles | June 16, 2016

The richest 1 percent is now wealthier than the rest of humanity combined, according to Oxfam, which called on governments to intensify efforts to reduce such inequality. also 62 people have same … Continue reading Richest 1% Now Wealthier Than the Rest of the World, Oxfam Says

Bill O’Reilly Calls For Stricter Gun Laws After Orlando Shooting

By Charles | June 16, 2016

When even the notorious Fox News host calls for gun control, things must be dire. Wow, things must really be getting dire for O’Reilly to come out for stricter gun laws! Source: … Continue reading Bill O’Reilly Calls For Stricter Gun Laws After Orlando Shooting

DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker? Or Russia?

By Charles | June 16, 2016

Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups. I’m very pleased the company appreciated my skills so highly))) But … Continue reading DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker? Or Russia?


FBI built a massive facial recognition database without proper oversight

By Charles | June 15, 2016

The FBI steadily, stealthily compiled a massive facial recognition database without oversight and in disregard of federal law, according to a report released today by the Government Accountability… They were and are … Continue reading FBI built a massive facial recognition database without proper oversight


Take that, FBI: Apple goes all in on encryption

By Charles | June 15, 2016

Apple’s newest encryption tool better secures files on all its devices, just the latest in a move to widespread encryption in the tech industry Good for them. If our government is going … Continue reading Take that, FBI: Apple goes all in on encryption

Trump says he wouldn’t ban reporters from the White House

By Charles | June 15, 2016

“It’s a different thing” at the White House, he said. After revoking the press credentials of the Washington post after a critical article they wrote, Trump now says he wouldn’t do the … Continue reading Trump says he wouldn’t ban reporters from the White House

IMF: Neoliberalism – Oversold?

By Charles | June 14, 2016

Austerity policies not only generate substantial welfare costs due to supply-side channels, they also hurt demand—and thus worsen employment and unemployment. The notion that fiscal consolidations can be expansionary (that is, raise … Continue reading IMF: Neoliberalism – Oversold?

Alan Rusbridger: Sources will die if we don’t ‘push back hard’ at snooper’s charter threat to press freedom

By Charles | June 14, 2016

Rusbridger told the IBC legal conference in London: “It is the biggest threat to the press at the moment.” He noted that the fact UK police secretly access telecoms data in order … Continue reading Alan Rusbridger: Sources will die if we don’t ‘push back hard’ at snooper’s charter threat to press freedom

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Call for Bombing ISIS After Orlando Shooting That ISIS Didn’t Direct

By Charles | June 14, 2016

Neither explained how escalating bombardments in Iraq and Syria would do anything to stop self-radicalized and/or unhinged attackers in the United States. Seems odd that Hillary and Donald call for more bombing … Continue reading Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Call for Bombing ISIS After Orlando Shooting That ISIS Didn’t Direct


Trump revokes press credentials of the Washington Post

By Charles | June 13, 2016

Being critical of a presidential candidate and your “press credentials” get revoked? This really demonstrates what would happen if he was president. Source: Trump revokes press credentials of the Washington Post Continue reading Trump revokes press credentials of the Washington Post