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10 Cartoonists React to Trump Winning the Election
Fearless, adversarial journalism. Source: 10 Cartoonists React to Trump Winning the Election Continue reading 10 Cartoonists React to Trump Winning the Election
Trump goes to Washington
Trump goes to Washington This is funny. Source: Trump goes to Washington – gifs Continue reading Trump goes to Washington
Hard Choice for Mitch McConnell: End the Filibuster or Preserve Tradition
In the afterglow of their election success, Republicans prefer not to discuss the unpleasant possibility of eliminating the 60-vote threshold for their legislative priorities. The filibuster came about by mistake in the … Continue reading Hard Choice for Mitch McConnell: End the Filibuster or Preserve Tradition
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Since the 1980s the elites in rich countries have overplayed their hand, taking all the gains for themselves and just covering their ears when anyone else talks, and now they are watching in horror as voters revolt. Continue reading Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
Presidential election: Donald Trump would have lost if Bernie Sanders had been the candidate
“Right now in every major poll, national poll and statewide poll done in the last month, six weeks, we are defeating Trump often by big numbers, and always at a larger margin … Continue reading Presidential election: Donald Trump would have lost if Bernie Sanders had been the candidate
6 Hotlines to Call about Voter Suppression at the Polls
The 2016 presidential election marks the first without the protections of the Voting Rights Act in place. Confusing, restrictive, or unclear voting laws in states like North Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi have … Continue reading 6 Hotlines to Call about Voter Suppression at the Polls
Quick, nonpartisan guide to California’s State Propositions 2016
Weed, plastic bags, guns, condoms – it’s up to you. This is the quickest voter non-partisan guide to California’s state propositions. If you are in California, this kick-ass website should help you … Continue reading Quick, nonpartisan guide to California’s State Propositions 2016
Think TTIP is a threat to democracy? There’s another trade deal that’s already signed
If you needed proof that trade agreements are just an excuse to hand big business power at our expense, look no further than Ceta, a deal between the EU and CanadaLike the … Continue reading Think TTIP is a threat to democracy? There’s another trade deal that’s already signed
There are 4,000 people in a half-mile voting line in Cincinnati today. This isn’t okay.
Lines this long shouldn’t happen. Hm. Let’s see. What country should come in and monitor our votes? Source: There are 4,000 people in a half-mile voting line in Cincinnati today. This isn’t … Continue reading There are 4,000 people in a half-mile voting line in Cincinnati today. This isn’t okay.
Our Public Universities Are Not in Good Health
We are hearing a language of crisis, with concepts like “austerity” and “efficiency,” what economist Paul Krugman has correctly termed “austerity ideology,” applied to every public institution. As faculty members we believe … Continue reading Our Public Universities Are Not in Good Health
Mainstream Politicians ignore DAPL Protests
“Obama says ‘we are going to let it play itself out’. Bernie has been there, Jill Stein has been there – these are the people who are going to make the … Continue reading Mainstream Politicians ignore DAPL Protests
Three New Scandals Show How Pervasive and Dangerous Mass Surveillance is in the West, Vindicating Snowden
Yet with each new investigation and judicial inquiry, and as more evidence is unearthed, Snowden’s core claims are increasingly vindicated. Western officials are indeed addicted to unaccountable, secretive, abusive systems of mass … Continue reading Three New Scandals Show How Pervasive and Dangerous Mass Surveillance is in the West, Vindicating Snowden
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