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Donald Trump, pragmatist? President-elect’s stances seem to shift after win
Obamacare, Iran deal and other promises appear to come in for adjustment as Trump dives into ‘swamp’ he vowed to drain with transition team appointments. Donald Trump appears to be backing away … Continue reading Donald Trump, pragmatist? President-elect’s stances seem to shift after win
Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton’s Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0
The seeds were planted in an underreported 2009 meeting. It began when Jim DeMint played the Republican takeover of our government brilliantly, with generous help from the Koch brothers, and the Democrats failed … Continue reading Americans Wanted a Revolution, and Clinton’s Campaign Only Offered Them Obama 2.0
So, What’s Happening in This Photo From the White House?
“Some of those who tweeted the photo on Thursday may have made a mistake, thinking the picture they shared was in-context. At least one of them was called out for it and … Continue reading So, What’s Happening in This Photo From the White House?
U.S. defense shares hit record highs, boosted by Trump win
“While Trump’s rival in the race for the White House, Democrat Hillary Clinton, also had advocated tough defense and foreign policies, Trump has been a big supporter of increased defense spending, … Continue reading U.S. defense shares hit record highs, boosted by Trump win
Rebellion in the Democratic Party: Keith Ellison eyes top spot as DNC staff berates Donna Brazile
After Trump’s victory, Clinton fans apologize to Sanders supporters; DNC staffer denounces Donna Brazile Told you so has never been more painful. And the DNC doesn’t even come out to apologize. They … Continue reading Rebellion in the Democratic Party: Keith Ellison eyes top spot as DNC staff berates Donna Brazile
What did I just watch? It seems happy.. not sure though! Continue reading Trump!
Bernie’s empire strikes back
In state after state, supporters of the Vermont senator’s presidential bid are challenging the Democratic establishment for party control. Bernie is the shadow President. Straight-up. He’s taking over the DNC and bringing … Continue reading Bernie’s empire strikes back
Trump goes to Washington
Trump goes to Washington This is funny. Source: Trump goes to Washington – gifs Continue reading Trump goes to Washington
A more dangerous world is probably coming after the US election!
80% of the population of the USA do not trust and do not appreciate either of the two candidates. The strongest argument for voting Trump is not so much This article describes … Continue reading A more dangerous world is probably coming after the US election!
Παιάν (Πατήρ ΑΙώνιος Άναρχος Νούς)
Λύκε Σπαρτιάτη φώτισε, των Καρυών τις κόρες, Αητέ Μανιάτη άνοιξε, φτερούγες νικηφόρες. Του κάμπου τ΄ άδολα αρνιά, και των βουνών τα γίδια. δεν έχουν μέρος να σταθούν, μέσα στα αποκαΐδια……… Continue reading Παιάν (Πατήρ ΑΙώνιος Άναρχος Νούς)
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