
Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Michal Kosinski, Stanford psychologist, claims that AI programs can detect people’s IQ, sexual orientation, and politics by scanning faces. Of course rights groups are attacking the research and not the fact that the researcher is demonstrating the dangerous things AI can be used for. Source: Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing … Continue reading Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet - The Washington Post

Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post

July was also the hottest month on record for dozens of other cities in the western United States, including Sacramento, Las Vegas and Portland, Ore. Source: Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post Continue reading Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post

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Forget the Paris agreement. The real solution to climate change is in the U.S. tax code.

Forget the Paris agreement. The real solution to climate change is in the U.S. tax code.

Already, the U.S. oil industry benefits from a dozen specialized subsidies adding up to about $4.6 billion per year, according to a 2015 review by the Obama administration. Among other things, the subsidies reduce the costs of labor and equipment involved in drilling — and shield some of the profits earned on … Continue reading Forget the Paris agreement. The real solution to climate change is in the U.S. tax code.


Just How Unpopular, How Wrong on the Facts, How Misguided Is the FCC Proposal to Rollback Network Neutrality and Broadband Privacy?

This guy running the FCC is the very definition of “The Swamp” and is willing to destroy the Internet and the FCC just to get a nice high paying job after he … Continue reading Just How Unpopular, How Wrong on the Facts, How Misguided Is the FCC Proposal to Rollback Network Neutrality and Broadband Privacy?