
Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Michal Kosinski, Stanford psychologist, claims that AI programs can detect people’s IQ, sexual orientation, and politics by scanning faces. Of course rights groups are attacking the research and not the fact that the researcher is demonstrating the dangerous things AI can be used for. Source: Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing … Continue reading Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet - The Washington Post

Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post

July was also the hottest month on record for dozens of other cities in the western United States, including Sacramento, Las Vegas and Portland, Ore. Source: Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post Continue reading Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post

Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere - The New York Times

Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere – The New York Times

Critics say even researching the idea is dangerous. Not sure when scientific research itself has become dangerous. Perhaps implementing the idea is dangerous, but the research itself? Source: Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere – The New York Times Continue reading Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere – The New York Times

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Don’t look to the Fed for help on the coronavirus — Congress has the money and power - MarketWatch

Don’t look to the Fed for help on the coronavirus — Congress has the money and power – MarketWatch

The U.S. needs protection for households — that families are not foreclosed on or evicted, that they have income to weather the storm, that credit scores aren’t ruined, that kids are not denied school lunches. It’s not about lowering interest rates, it’s about making sure Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck … Continue reading Don’t look to the Fed for help on the coronavirus — Congress has the money and power – MarketWatch

New Study - Single-payer system could save US $600 billion in administrative costs

New Study – Single-payer system could save US $600 billion in administrative costs

A shift toward a single-payer Medicare For All system in US healthcare could be a potential balm to the system’s current admin cost crisis. When people ask how much it’s going to cost, this is part of the answer – at least $600 Billion a year less than it currently costs. Source: … Continue reading New Study – Single-payer system could save US $600 billion in administrative costs

Opinion | Greta Versus the Greedy Grifters - The New York Times

Opinion | Greta Versus the Greedy Grifters – The New York Times

Why a 17-year-old is a better economist than Steve Mnuchin. The International Monetary Fund makes regular estimates of worldwide subsidies to fossil fuels — subsidies that partly take the form of tax breaks and outright cash grants, but mainly involve not holding the industry accountable for the indirect costs it imposes. In … Continue reading Opinion | Greta Versus the Greedy Grifters – The New York Times

Clearview app lets strangers find your name, info with snap of a photo, report says

Clearview app lets strangers find your name, info with snap of a photo, report says

It may not be long before you’ll have to forget about walking down the street anonymously, says a New York Times report. The danger this poses to people – here is just one tweet response: Every single one of my women friends have been followed off the bus or subway by a … Continue reading Clearview app lets strangers find your name, info with snap of a photo, report says