
Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Michal Kosinski, Stanford psychologist, claims that AI programs can detect people’s IQ, sexual orientation, and politics by scanning faces. Of course rights groups are attacking the research and not the fact that the researcher is demonstrating the dangerous things AI can be used for. Source: Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing … Continue reading Scientist Claims His AI Can Tell Disturbing Things About You Just by Looking at Your Face

Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet - The Washington Post

Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post

July was also the hottest month on record for dozens of other cities in the western United States, including Sacramento, Las Vegas and Portland, Ore. Source: Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post Continue reading Death Valley just recorded the hottest month ever observed on the planet – The Washington Post

Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere - The New York Times

Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere – The New York Times

Critics say even researching the idea is dangerous. Not sure when scientific research itself has become dangerous. Perhaps implementing the idea is dangerous, but the research itself? Source: Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere – The New York Times Continue reading Meet the Scientist Who Wants to Alter Earth’s Atmosphere – The New York Times

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Bank of England to directly finance extra government spending

Bank of England to directly finance extra government spending

The UK has become the first country to embrace the monetary financing of government to fund the immediate cost of fighting coronavirus, with the Bank of England to directly finance the state’s spending needs on a temporary basis. The move would allow the government to bypass the bond market until the Covid-19 pandemic … Continue reading Bank of England to directly finance extra government spending

$2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Nullifies “How Will You Pay for It?” Question

$2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Nullifies “How Will You Pay for It?” Question

When all of this is behind us, to the extent that it ever can be, let’s not forget what we’ve learned: Congress knows how to spend money when it wants to. Will be helpful when it comes time to address climate change. Source: $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Nullifies “How Will You Pay … Continue reading $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Nullifies “How Will You Pay for It?” Question

Coronavirus pandemic: politicians, CEOs believe in MMT, Modern Monetary Theory

Coronavirus pandemic: politicians, CEOs believe in MMT, Modern Monetary Theory

The issue of “balancing the books” with taxes or via the issuance of debt is not only an afterthought — it is not even necessary. Our government holds a monopoly to “issue” the currency, it does not merely “use” it like the rest of us. An epochal shift in economic thinking that … Continue reading Coronavirus pandemic: politicians, CEOs believe in MMT, Modern Monetary Theory

Stephanie Kelton: Just Use ‘the Computer’ to Give People More Money

Stephanie Kelton: Just Use ‘the Computer’ to Give People More Money

Congress has all the firepower it needs. It just needs to send spending instructions to the Federal Reserve, as it always does. We can afford to keep the country whole, this article explains why. Source: Opinion | Stephanie Kelton: Just Use ‘the Computer’ to Give People More Money – The New York … Continue reading Stephanie Kelton: Just Use ‘the Computer’ to Give People More Money

Italian regions' responses to coronavirus show testing, distancing work - Business Insider

Italian regions’ responses to coronavirus show testing, distancing work – Business Insider

A region of Italy that took earlier and more aggressive measures to fight the coronavirus is now seeing fewer cases. One region, Veneto, tested everybody, even those with no symptoms, and the other region, Lombardy, only tested those with symptoms. The result is that Veneto is seeing a decrease in the spread … Continue reading Italian regions’ responses to coronavirus show testing, distancing work – Business Insider

Airlines are begging for a bailout, but they've used 96% of their cash on stock buybacks over the past 10 years. 

Airlines are begging for a bailout, but they’ve used 96% of their cash on stock buybacks over the past 10 years. 

The Trump administration has proposed $50 billion of emergency aid for airlines ravaged by widespread cancellations amid the coronavirus pandemic. But critics are deriding it as a bailout to an industry that made bad financial decisions. Resistance to the plan emerged among Democrats and even some Republicans. They’re concerned that extra money … Continue reading Airlines are begging for a bailout, but they’ve used 96% of their cash on stock buybacks over the past 10 years.