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Deplatforming Trump Could Work. But at What Cost? - The New York Times

Deplatforming Trump Could Work. But at What Cost? – The New York Times

On Twitter, the Russian dissident Aleksei Navalny wrote: “This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world. In Russia as well. Every time when they need to silence someone, they will say: ‘This is just common practice, even Trump got blocked on Twitter.’” Preventing the incitement … Continue reading Deplatforming Trump Could Work. But at What Cost? – The New York Times

New Pentagon IG report finds that police don't need all those hand-me-downs of military hardware

New Pentagon IG report finds that police don’t need all those hand-me-downs of military hardware

In October 2020, the Pentagon’s Inspector General released a new report titled, “Audit of Excess Property Issued Through the Department of Defense Law Enforcement Support Program.”… The demilitarization of the police is a good first step towards improving the relationship between the police and the people they serve. Source: New Pentagon IG … Continue reading New Pentagon IG report finds that police don’t need all those hand-me-downs of military hardware

EPA finalizes scientific transparency rule limiting which studies can be used to protect public health - The Washington Post

EPA finalizes scientific transparency rule limiting which studies can be used to protect public health – The Washington Post

The Environmental Protection Agency has finalized a rule limiting which scientific studies the agency can use in crafting public health protections. So let’s keep science out of the equation when determining if something is dangerous for you, ummm.. OK. Source: EPA finalizes scientific transparency rule limiting which studies can be used to … Continue reading EPA finalizes scientific transparency rule limiting which studies can be used to protect public health – The Washington Post

This Year’s Underground Sensation: Modern Monetary Theory | The New Republic

This Year’s Underground Sensation: Modern Monetary Theory | The New Republic

The economic ideas that once fueled deficit mythbusters and provided hope for a pandemic recovery have spawned a vibrant political subculture. Once people understand where money comes from then they’ll realize that we can start addressing things like climate change and student loans without causing any further hardship. Source: This Year’s Underground … Continue reading This Year’s Underground Sensation: Modern Monetary Theory | The New Republic

27 Places Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour - The New York Times

27 Places Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour – The New York Times

The new year brings another round of increases, nearly a decade after workers started campaigning for higher pay. By the time $15/hr become standard, it may be time to raise it to $20/hr! $20/hr is what it should be had wages increased with productivity gains over the last 50 years. Source: 27 Places … Continue reading 27 Places Raising the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour – The New York Times

State and local government stimulus needed to avoid long-term drag

State and local government stimulus needed to avoid long-term drag

Budget shortfalls threaten additional job cuts, gutted social programs, and can cripple states’ abilities to conduct coronavirus vaccination programs. The time for government to do something is now. Check out how other countries are handling the pandemic: Wages subsidized by the government during pandemic: 🇨🇦 – $2,000 a month 🇯🇵 – Up … Continue reading State and local government stimulus needed to avoid long-term drag

Which Trump allies want him to concede election and which don't - Business Insider

Which Trump allies want him to concede election and which don’t – Business Insider

From Melania Trump to his most loyal news outlets, some of Trump’s staunchest allies are reportedly advising him to concede. Others tell him to fight. See where Trump’s closest allies stand on him conceding or fighting to retain the presidency. Source: Which Trump allies want him to concede election and which don’t … Continue reading Which Trump allies want him to concede election and which don’t – Business Insider

Britain is becoming a GoFundMe nation, with the public doing the government's job

Britain is becoming a GoFundMe nation, with the public doing the government’s job

By all means step in to feed children or raise money for the NHS, but never forget that the Tories’ aim is to shrink the state, says the Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik Becoming like the United States, in other words. Source: Britain is becoming a GoFundMe nation, with the public doing the … Continue reading Britain is becoming a GoFundMe nation, with the public doing the government’s job

More People Have Voted Early in Texas Than the State’s Entire 2016 Turnout

More People Have Voted Early in Texas Than the State’s Entire 2016 Turnout

Texas, a 2020 jump-ball state once considered a layup for Republicans, is shattering turnout records, with the number of early in-person and mail-in ballots now exceeding the total number of votes cast in the 2016 election. What this means for the Republicans, who took the state in 2016, nobody knows yet, but … Continue reading More People Have Voted Early in Texas Than the State’s Entire 2016 Turnout