America has $1.73 trillion in student debt—borrowers from these states owe the most

America has $1.73 trillion in student debt—borrowers from these states owe the most

Not all states shoulder the same share of the student debt crisis. This is preventing graduates from being able to do the things their parents did, like buy a home. The government could wipe this debt out with a keystroke if it wanted to. It’s time to take this option seriously. Source: … Continue reading America has $1.73 trillion in student debt—borrowers from these states owe the most

Many millennials are worse off than their parents -- a first in American history

Many millennials are worse off than their parents — a first in American history

On paper, it looks like Scott Larsen is doing better than his father was at the same age. But he’s not even close. The chances of him buying a home are very slim. The system currently extracts all the borrowing potential from the millennials through student loans that could have gone towards … Continue reading Many millennials are worse off than their parents — a first in American history

The Koch Brothers Commissioned a Survey of Americans and Found Most Like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care

Where the Koch brothers see government tyranny, most Americans see common-sense solutions to basic problems, it turns out. Funny how these Koch brother studies lately have been finding out that the people … Continue reading The Koch Brothers Commissioned a Survey of Americans and Found Most Like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care

50% of Millennials would give up their right to vote to get student loans erased

50% of Millennials would give up their right to vote to get student loans erased

As the staggering national student loan debt tally sits at an all-time high of $1.33 trillion, according to the Department of Education, many Millennials say they would go to extreme lengths to wipe their slate clean. I guess they feel their votes don’t seem to count for anything anyway! But this is … Continue reading 50% of Millennials would give up their right to vote to get student loans erased