Tag: streetart

Angel Dog #colettemiller #angelwings #streetart @colettemiller

You have everything you need…to make a difference #makeadifference #streetart #LAstreetart #undergroundnet #underground

Don’t be fooled, this cool #streetart was literally less than an inch!! Pretty sweet! #intelligentiacoffee #undergroundnet #undergroundnetwork #LAstreetart #walktowork #businessman #briefcase

Free Humanity or turn to the dark side. #FreeHumanity #LAstreetart #streetart #UndergroundNetwork #politics #StarWars #thedarkside #darthvader #theforceawakens

Three words of wisdom for you all this morning..Happy Wednesday! #LifeTakesTime #undergroundnetwork #underground #streetart #lastreetart #inspire #politics

Took this a while back. #banksy #streetart #lastreetart #EndViolence double tap pic if you’re sick and tired of police shooting civilians!

Literally.., #streetart

Are you having trouble deciding for tomorrow’s #elections? #streetart

Look at Art #streetart

Silly poor people money is for the rich, either way

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