Tuesday was a great win for Democrats. Here's how they can build on it.

Tuesday was a great win for Democrats. Here’s how they can build on it.

And if you’re okay with the Federal Reserve as the lender of last resort when credit markets fail, as was the case in the financial crisis of 2008, then you should apply the same standard to labor markets. Banks facing credit constraints are no more economically important than workers facing inadequate job opportunities, and … Continue reading Tuesday was a great win for Democrats. Here’s how they can build on it.

What if the US Treasury Could Order the Federal Reserve to Increase the Balance in Its Spending Account Whenever it Needed to and Everyone Knew that It Could?

Well, it just so happens, that it can order the Federal Reserve to do that. It’s just that not everyone knows that it can. And among those that know, there are many … Continue reading What if the US Treasury Could Order the Federal Reserve to Increase the Balance in Its Spending Account Whenever it Needed to and Everyone Knew that It Could?