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Voting Rights Tracker: What to Know About the U.S. Elections Fight – The New York Times

By Underground | December 29, 2021

Since the 2020 election, Republicans have pursued a host of new voting restrictions across the country. Here’s where things stand. With a shrinking number of actual voters, one of the political parties in some states is trying to make access to voting more difficult for people from the other party. Will it … Continue reading Voting Rights Tracker: What to Know About the U.S. Elections Fight – The New York Times

Coal Miners Union Rebukes Manchin for Effort to Kill Build Back Better

By Underground | December 21, 2021

“Manchin has lost the coal miners with this latest betrayal,” said one labor reporter. Expressing disbelief that Manchin would jeopardize a fund that sent $40 million to West Virginia coal mining veterans in 2020—out of $162 million nationwide—The New Republic asked on Sunday, “Does Joe Manchin know that Build Back Better would … Continue reading Coal Miners Union Rebukes Manchin for Effort to Kill Build Back Better

Don’t fall for the inflation fear-mongering – Patriotic Millionaires

By Underground | November 18, 2021

While it’s true that inflation is on the rise, with prices of everyday items like food, gas, and clothing up an average 6.2% from this time last year, fears of runaway inflation are no reason to hold up the Build Back Better agenda. Costs are up 6.2% from last year because we … Continue reading Don’t fall for the inflation fear-mongering – Patriotic Millionaires

Inflation Is Good for You

By Underground | November 11, 2021

Don’t panic over milk prices. Inflation is bad for the 1 percent but helps out almost everyone else. It’s true, we’re talking about the cost of milk having gone up from say $10.00 last year to $10.62 this year, due mostly to supply constraints from the pandemic last year. But wages went … Continue reading Inflation Is Good for You

A world warmed by 2 degrees is way hotter than it sounds

By Underground | November 6, 2021

The extremes will hit hard. First off, it’s Celsius we’re talking about, so it’s 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but we’re actually headed towards 3 degrees Celsius or 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit. But that’s a global average, parts of the world will exceed 115 degrees Fahrenheit, oceans will rise, and so much more. It will … Continue reading A world warmed by 2 degrees is way hotter than it sounds

Facebook makes big show of kinda ending facial recognition

By Underground | November 2, 2021

But make no mistake: Facebook’s parent company, Meta, is not out of the facial recognition game. Big announcement that Facebook is ending Facial Recognition and deleting the data they have. That doesn’t mean they won’t be starting it right back up when they move to 3D worlds with Meta! Duh! Besides, TikTok … Continue reading Facebook makes big show of kinda ending facial recognition

The true, Terry Pratchett-esque origins of the trillion-dollar coin – Cory Doctorow

By Underground | October 30, 2021

The debt ceiling debate is genuinely absurd: Congress authorized the spending of new dollars, so the Treasury has to create them. For Congress to turn around and force the Treasury not to create the dollars it ordered the Treasury to create is an obvious political gimmick. Hence the trillion dollar coin… Now … Continue reading The true, Terry Pratchett-esque origins of the trillion-dollar coin – Cory Doctorow

The guy behind “Mint the Coin” to end the debt ceiling: The trillion-dollar scheme, explained by its inventor – Vox

By Underground | October 8, 2021 1

Instead of issuing new debt and running afoul of the debt ceiling, the Treasury secretary could simply fund the government by minting platinum coins. In 2013, even former US Mint Director Philip … Continue reading The guy behind “Mint the Coin” to end the debt ceiling: The trillion-dollar scheme, explained by its inventor – Vox

Here’s a Simple Way to Make Facebook Less Terrible – Bloomberg

By Underground | October 5, 2021

[Facebook Whistleblower] Frances Haugen’s suggestion to switch feeds back to chronological order could change everything. Haugen suggested a few remedies, some of which we’ve heard before, such as reforming Section 230 protections against legal action. … Continue reading Here’s a Simple Way to Make Facebook Less Terrible – Bloomberg

YouTube’s Ban on Misinformation

By Underground | October 5, 2021

And why it isn’t about us. …for a selection of high-stakes issues that could lead to real world harm, internet companies may need restrictive rules. We should be wary of happily silencing voices we don’t like in the public sphere, because we are conditioning ourselves to accept that silencing as the way … Continue reading YouTube’s Ban on Misinformation

Can YOU Fix Climate Change?

By Underground | September 30, 2021

Best video yet about climate change and what can be done. Very much worth watching! Source: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell – Can YOU Fix Climate Change? Continue reading Can YOU Fix Climate Change?

China is cracking down on pessimistic financial blogs and social media accounts, as well as fraudulent ones; analysts worry independent voices will be silenced

By Underground | September 16, 2021

China is cracking down on pessimistic financial blogs and social media accounts, as well as fraudulent ones; analysts worry independent voices will be silenced (Financial Times) Could it be that something similar … Continue reading China is cracking down on pessimistic financial blogs and social media accounts, as well as fraudulent ones; analysts worry independent voices will be silenced