What America would look like if it guaranteed everyone a job
Imagine if a well-paying job, with benefits and a high enough salary to pay for rent, transportation, and food, were a human right. Imagine the US federal government established a policy whereby … Continue reading What America would look like if it guaranteed everyone a job
Hurricane Irma warnings are a conspiracy to make climate change look real, says Rush Limbaugh
The coverage of Hurricane Irma is a conspiracy to trick people into believing in climate change and buying batteries, according to radio host Rush Limbaugh. The shock jock claimed that the media … Continue reading Hurricane Irma warnings are a conspiracy to make climate change look real, says Rush Limbaugh
United won’t be fined for dragging a passenger off an overbooked flight
Feds say United did not violate his civil rights. What? Source: United won’t be fined for dragging a passenger off an overbooked flight Continue reading United won’t be fined for dragging a passenger off an overbooked flight
Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
Ottawa’s negotiators are pushing Mexico on its corporate-sanctioned unions, which are accused of negotiating collective agreements unfavourable to workers and targeting American right-to-work laws that allow workers in unionized shops to refuse … Continue reading Canada demands U.S. end ‘right to work’ laws as part of NAFTA talks
Poverty, illness, homelessness – no wonder McDonald’s UK workers are going on strike
The wealth of McDonald’s shareholders is built on the poverty of its workers. Now they’ve had enough, says Guardian senior economics commentator Aditya Chakrabortty Staff are fighting for £10 an hour. The boss earns £5,684 in the same time. Now employees like Tyrone are saying they’ve had enough. #McStrike is going on … Continue reading Poverty, illness, homelessness – no wonder McDonald’s UK workers are going on strike
To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now
Focusing on core competence and outsourcing the rest has made U.S. companies lean, nimble and productive. It has also left lots of people worse off. Great read showing the diderences in opportunity … Continue reading To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now
The Equality Effect | New Internationalist
The political landscape may seem particularly bleak at present. But, if we stand back and look at the bigger picture, the dominance of rightwing populists and neoliberal policies is likely to be … Continue reading The Equality Effect | New Internationalist
The return of high risk mortgages? – FT
Subprime loans were one of the main causes of the credit crisis. So why is lending to risky borrowers back in vogue? Hmmmm, perhaps because we bailed out the banking system without … Continue reading The return of high risk mortgages? – FT
We Said Google Was Dangerously Powerful, Then Google Proved Us Right.
The reason American governance is dysfunctional is simple: We have turned much of our sovereignty over to private interests in the form of monopolies. So while our politicians can discuss important social … Continue reading We Said Google Was Dangerously Powerful, Then Google Proved Us Right.
Three radical ideas to transform the post-crisis economy – FT
A most striking fact about the global financial crisis and its aftermath is how far from striking the policy response has been. That is a change from earlier economic history. For the … Continue reading Three radical ideas to transform the post-crisis economy – FT
Harvey Is What Climate Change Looks Like
It’s time to open our eyes and prepare for the world that’s coming. Source: Harvey Is What Climate Change Looks Like – POLITICO Magazine Continue reading Harvey Is What Climate Change Looks Like
Budget deficits can boost the economy without large costs
A new research paper suggests that government spending in a recession doesn’t cause long-term economic harm. Everything you thought you knew about budget deficits is wrong, according to a new paper presented at … Continue reading Budget deficits can boost the economy without large costs