Forget the Paris agreement. The real solution to climate change is in the U.S. tax code.
Already, the U.S. oil industry benefits from a dozen specialized subsidies adding up to about $4.6 billion per year, according to a 2015 review by the Obama administration. Among other things, the subsidies reduce the costs of labor and equipment involved in drilling — and shield some of the profits earned on … Continue reading Forget the Paris agreement. The real solution to climate change is in the U.S. tax code.
Scottish government backs ban on fracking
Energy minister Paul Wheelhouse tells MSPs that fracking “cannot and will not take place in Scotland”. Wow, a country standing up to the oil and gas industry? It’s about time. Source: Scottish … Continue reading Scottish government backs ban on fracking
Inequality is getting so bad even Wall Street is starting to pay attention
It’s a sign of just how extreme US and global wealth inequality has become that even the folks on the winning side of the class war are starting to worry about it. … Continue reading Inequality is getting so bad even Wall Street is starting to pay attention
Inequality makes growth less sustainable, IMF says
In many countries, the richest 1% have benefited disproportionately from economic growth in recent years, the IMF says. The IMF says fiscal policy is “a powerful instrument for ensuring inclusive growth and … Continue reading Inequality makes growth less sustainable, IMF says
Puerto Rican Debt Holders Respond to Catastrophic Hurricane by Offering Puerto Rico More Debt
The island’s creditors have barely even given the obligatory thoughts and prayers. But they do have a deal for Puerto Rico. What a way to capitalize on a sutuatuon! Source: Puerto Rican … Continue reading Puerto Rican Debt Holders Respond to Catastrophic Hurricane by Offering Puerto Rico More Debt
Just How Unpopular, How Wrong on the Facts, How Misguided Is the FCC Proposal to Rollback Network Neutrality and Broadband Privacy?
This guy running the FCC is the very definition of “The Swamp” and is willing to destroy the Internet and the FCC just to get a nice high paying job after he … Continue reading Just How Unpopular, How Wrong on the Facts, How Misguided Is the FCC Proposal to Rollback Network Neutrality and Broadband Privacy?
The IMF’s road to enlightenment
The fund needs to have the courage of its convictions Again, the IMF’s research shows that its policy of forcing austerity on countries, especially with the EU, is the exact opposite of what it should be doing. Source: The IMF’s road to enlightenment Continue reading The IMF’s road to enlightenment
How to save Puerto Rico
The solution is simple. It just takes money. Source: How to save Puerto Rico Continue reading How to save Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Needs Massive Emergency Aid Now—and an End to Austerity
The island has become a target not only for rapacious vulture funds but also for exponents of Katrina-style “disaster capitalism.” Just because the residents of Puerto Rico can’t vote for members of … Continue reading Puerto Rico Needs Massive Emergency Aid Now—and an End to Austerity
Who owns Puerto Rico’s mountain of debt? You do
Not only is this article factually wrong, we don’t own Puerto Rico’s debt, speculators do, it’s also irresponsible when millions are without power and people are dying due to a lack of … Continue reading Who owns Puerto Rico’s mountain of debt? You do
“It’s Always Cheaper to Let People Die”: Lessons From the NHS
All this week, Splinter is talking to healthcare experts about what advocates for a single payer system can learn from the National Health Service in my home country, the United Kingdom. Yesterday, … Continue reading “It’s Always Cheaper to Let People Die”: Lessons From the NHS
Target’s $15 an hour move ‘blows up’ minimum wage myths-commentary
Target’s decision to raise its pay to $15 an hour destroys this argument from the naysayers, says NELP general counsel Paul Sonn. If a discount retailer with paper thin margins can do … Continue reading Target’s $15 an hour move ‘blows up’ minimum wage myths-commentary