Scientists made a detailed “roadmap” for meeting the Paris climate goals. It’s eye-opening.
It’s going to take something other than expecting corporations to foot the bill. This is going to require major intervention by the people and their governments. Source: Scientists made a detailed “roadmap” … Continue reading Scientists made a detailed “roadmap” for meeting the Paris climate goals. It’s eye-opening.
California may reach 50% renewable power goal by 2020 — 10 years early
This is good news. 2020 is not too far away. Source: California may reach 50% renewable power goal by 2020 — 10 years early Continue reading California may reach 50% renewable power goal by 2020 — 10 years early
Twitter un-verifies various accounts – The Washington Post
Twitter changed its verification guidelines and removed authenticating check marks from the accounts of Jason Kessler, Richard Spencer and other prominent white nationalists. The check marks are a visual cue that the company gives to prominent accounts to help readers ensure they are authentic. Verification helps promote the accounts, lending them a … Continue reading Twitter un-verifies various accounts – The Washington Post
The fastest-growing jobs in America pay about $22,000 a year
The largest two categories of America’s fastest-growing jobs offer some of the country’s lowest wages and weakest benefits. Over the next 10 years, analysts expect to see 1.2 million more jobs for home health aides and personal care aides, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics The problem is … Continue reading The fastest-growing jobs in America pay about $22,000 a year
Twitter details how it reviews and enforces rules around hate speech, violence and harassment
Twitter has been under fire lately (slash always) for its methods to deal with harassment and abuse on its platform. In an effort to provide some insight into its thinking, Twitter has … Continue reading Twitter details how it reviews and enforces rules around hate speech, violence and harassment
Money Doesn’t Grow on Rich People
We’ve forgotten that money doesn’t grow on rich people. We make our own money via the institution of government and it’s time we remembered how to use it properly. Great article which … Continue reading Money Doesn’t Grow on Rich People
Bandit streetart
Bandit #streetart Melrose Avenue Via Instagram Continue reading Bandit streetart
Cartoon Politics — (cartoon by Matt Wuerker)
(cartoon by Matt Wuerker) Source: Cartoon Politics — (cartoon by Matt Wuerker) Continue reading Cartoon Politics — (cartoon by Matt Wuerker)
Counterfeiters are using AI and machine learning to make better fakes
This is scary stuff when it comes to the concept of “fake news.” Source: Counterfeiters are using AI and machine learning to make better fakes Continue reading Counterfeiters are using AI and machine learning to make better fakes
Tuesday was a great win for Democrats. Here’s how they can build on it.
And if you’re okay with the Federal Reserve as the lender of last resort when credit markets fail, as was the case in the financial crisis of 2008, then you should apply the same standard to labor markets. Banks facing credit constraints are no more economically important than workers facing inadequate job opportunities, and … Continue reading Tuesday was a great win for Democrats. Here’s how they can build on it.
Danica Roem to Become First Transgender Lawmaker in Virginia
When Roem takes office, she will be the first openly transgender candidate to be elected and serve in a state legislative body. In addition, her opponent fought against transgender rights, making the victory … Continue reading Danica Roem to Become First Transgender Lawmaker in Virginia
The three-degree world: cities that will be drowned by global warming
The UN is warning that we are now on course for 3C of global warming. This will ultimately redraw the map of the world Source: The three-degree world: cities that will be … Continue reading The three-degree world: cities that will be drowned by global warming
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