This is what mind control looks like.
This is what happens when one company, Sinclair Broadcast Group, starts buying up all of the local news channels throughout the country. Source: Steve Franssen 🇺🇸 on Twitter: “This is what mind control looks like.” Continue reading This is what mind control looks like.
Here’s how Big Carbon has co-opted government regulators
The revolving door between industry and government spins endlessly. This is corruption at it’s worst and people are dying as a result. Source: Here’s how Big Carbon has co-opted government regulators | … Continue reading Here’s how Big Carbon has co-opted government regulators
US visa applications may soon require five years of social media info
The State Department wants to require all US visa applicants, both immigrant and non, disclose their social media handles to the US government, CNN reports. In documents that the department will file to the Federal Register tomorrow, it proposes that nearly every individual applying for a US visa be required to hand … Continue reading US visa applications may soon require five years of social media info
German Beer Industry in Shock over Monsanto’s Glyphosate Contamination
The Munich Environmental Institute (Umweltinstitut München) has released shocking results Thursday of laboratory testing it has completed on 14 of the most sold beers in Germany. The probable carcinogen and World’s most … Continue reading German Beer Industry in Shock over Monsanto’s Glyphosate Contamination
The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death
America’s self-reliance obsession makes it more acceptable to applaud working yourself to death than to argue that doing so points to a flawed economic system. So true. Source: The Gig Economy Celebrates … Continue reading The Gig Economy Celebrates Working Yourself to Death
The case for an artificially intelligent POTUS
The duties of the President of the United States of America could, arguably, be performed by a computer. Here’s how and why we should make that happen. Or, maybe not. Source: The … Continue reading The case for an artificially intelligent POTUS
Why Democrats should support a government-backed jobs guarantee
The idea is simple: the government guarantees a job with livable wages and benefits to anyone who wants one It’s been done before and it works. Source: Why Democrats should support a government-backed jobs guarantee | Ross Barkan | Opinion | The Guardian Continue reading Why Democrats should support a government-backed jobs guarantee
Emma Gonzalez’s March For Our Lives speech silences the roaring crowd
Six minutes and 20 seconds of silence. Source: Emma Gonzalez’s March For Our Lives speech silences the roaring crowd Continue reading Emma Gonzalez’s March For Our Lives speech silences the roaring crowd
John Bolton named national security adviser. It’s time to panic now. | SLATE
Replacing McMaster with Bolton puts the U.S. on a path to war. Maybe starting a war will take some of the focus away from this darn Russia investigation! Source: John Bolton named … Continue reading John Bolton named national security adviser. It’s time to panic now. | SLATE
Facebook regrets lawsuit threat against Cambridge Analytica reporters
Oh they totally regret it. Totally. They totally regret threatening to sue the journalist breaking the story. Yep. Source: Facebook regrets lawsuit threat against Cambridge Analytica reporters Continue reading Facebook regrets lawsuit threat against Cambridge Analytica reporters
Ocean plastic predicted to triple within decade
Without intervention soon, the amount of plastic littering the world’s oceans is expected to triple within a decade, a new UK government report warns. That and the amount of plastic bits in … Continue reading Ocean plastic predicted to triple within decade
Sen. Brian Schatz’s ambitious new plan for debt-free college, explained
Schatz said he’s not yet going to wade into details of how he’ll pay for his plan because he thinks there’s a double standard with Republicans and Democrats. “I don’t play the … Continue reading Sen. Brian Schatz’s ambitious new plan for debt-free college, explained
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