Sara and Mara (Episode 06)
Episode 6: “Girlie, want a candy? (part II)”
For the Greek version of this episode, για Ελληνικά: Continue reading Sara and Mara (Episode 06)
Sara and Mara (Episode 05)
Episode 5: “Girlie, want a candy? (part I)”
For the Greek version of this episode, για Ελληνικά: Continue reading Sara and Mara (Episode 05)
Sara and Mara (Episode 04)
Episode 4: “The freedom of the press (part II)”
For the Greek version of this episode, για Ελληνικά: Continue reading Sara and Mara (Episode 04)
Sara and Mara (Episode 03)
Episode 3: “The freedom of the press (part I)”
For the Greek version of this episode, για Ελληνικά: Continue reading Sara and Mara (Episode 03)
Sara and Mara (Episode 02)
Episode 2: “What’s your name”
For the Greek version of this episode, για Ελληνικά: Continue reading Sara and Mara (Episode 02)
Sara and Mara (Episode 01)
Episode 1: “Introduction”
To watch the Greek version of this episode, για Ελληνικά: Continue reading Sara and Mara (Episode 01)
A quick lesson in fiat money and why there will never be a debt crisis in the US.
A quick lesson in fiat money… to show you why this whole Debt Crisis might not be exactly what you think it is! Continue reading A quick lesson in fiat money and why there will never be a debt crisis in the US.
Chuck Hagel and the State of the Republican Party
What the Republican Party needs to do to stay relevant, or even gain back lost members. Continue reading Chuck Hagel and the State of the Republican Party
Rubio did WHAT during his SOTU response?
State of the Union response by Rubio Continue reading Rubio did WHAT during his SOTU response?
Unlocking Cell Phone now Illegal, and Reid hands Gov’t over to Republicans
This is the MOST ridiculous law ever.. a HANDOUT to the Cell Phone companies, by politicians PAID by them! This is tantamount to the government telling you that you can’t sell your … Continue reading Unlocking Cell Phone now Illegal, and Reid hands Gov’t over to Republicans
Austerity and the Debt Crisis are both MAJOR scams
The supposed Debt Crisis in the United States is a complete fabrication and was created to do away with as many social programs as possible that took decades to create. Don’t fall … Continue reading Austerity and the Debt Crisis are both MAJOR scams