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Graduation Speech

By chris | June 4, 2015

Take this college debt!!!! Continue reading Graduation Speech

20,000 London police to wear body cams by early next year

By chris | June 3, 2015 2

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson has today announced plans to supply the majority of Metropolitan Police officers with roughly 20,000 body-worn cameras Source: 20,000 London police to wear body cams by … Continue reading 20,000 London police to wear body cams by early next year

Silicon Valley’s Race to Build a Fake-Meat Burger — Grub Street

By chris | June 3, 2015

What would the world look like without meat, or at least the meat we’ve always known? Source: Silicon Valley’s Race to Build a Fake-Meat Burger — Grub Street Continue reading Silicon Valley’s Race to Build a Fake-Meat Burger — Grub Street

​Why the “cool factor” won’t lure college grads to your city | News Room – The Ohio State University

By chris | June 3, 2015

Source: Why the “cool factor” won’t lure college grads to your city | News Room – The Ohio State University Continue reading ​Why the “cool factor” won’t lure college grads to your city | News Room – The Ohio State University

Comment: The UK election was so unfair it put my Chinese students off democracy

By chris | June 2, 2015

When I explained that Ukip’s 12.6% of the vote translated into just one parliamentary seat at the UK general election, my Chinese students seemed less than impressed with democracy Source: Comment: The … Continue reading Comment: The UK election was so unfair it put my Chinese students off democracy

Mapping the Most Common Races

By chris | June 2, 2015

Select one or more races for a quick comparison. Counties are colored by the most prevalent. Scroll around the map to see percentage of the most common races in a city or … Continue reading Mapping the Most Common Races

You know you understand modern money when…

By Charles | June 2, 2015

Interesting article I found. You know you understand modern money when… You know the difference between a currency issuer and a currency user. You know that the US, UK [or name your … Continue reading You know you understand modern money when…

President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership should it be called the Treason Act?

By Charles | May 31, 2015

Imagine if President Reagan had introduced a massive treaty with the Soviet Union that would have imposed Russian laws upon the United States of America… Source: President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership should be … Continue reading President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership should it be called the Treason Act?

Greece’s depression worse than the Great Depression

By Charles | May 29, 2015

And it looks far from over. Source: Greece’s depression worse Great Depression Continue reading Greece’s depression worse than the Great Depression

Journalist’s Fake Story Shows How Lazy Journalists Are

By Charles | May 28, 2015 1

“Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate a chocolate bar every day. … Continue reading Journalist’s Fake Story Shows How Lazy Journalists Are

Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill

By Charles | May 28, 2015

Critics of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership are unlikely to be silenced by an analysis of the flood of money it took to push the pact over its latest hurdle Source: Here’s how … Continue reading Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill

CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists

By Charles | May 27, 2015

The intelligence agency quietly has shut down a program that provided climate researchers with data from spy satellites and other sources. → Why is this?  Is it that the info doesn’t coincide … Continue reading CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists