Graduation Speech
Take this college debt!!!! Continue reading Graduation Speech
20,000 London police to wear body cams by early next year
The Mayor of London Boris Johnson has today announced plans to supply the majority of Metropolitan Police officers with roughly 20,000 body-worn cameras Source: 20,000 London police to wear body cams by … Continue reading 20,000 London police to wear body cams by early next year
Silicon Valley’s Race to Build a Fake-Meat Burger — Grub Street
What would the world look like without meat, or at least the meat we’ve always known? Source: Silicon Valley’s Race to Build a Fake-Meat Burger — Grub Street Continue reading Silicon Valley’s Race to Build a Fake-Meat Burger — Grub Street
Why the “cool factor” won’t lure college grads to your city | News Room – The Ohio State University
Source: Why the “cool factor” won’t lure college grads to your city | News Room – The Ohio State University Continue reading Why the “cool factor” won’t lure college grads to your city | News Room – The Ohio State University
Comment: The UK election was so unfair it put my Chinese students off democracy
When I explained that Ukip’s 12.6% of the vote translated into just one parliamentary seat at the UK general election, my Chinese students seemed less than impressed with democracy Source: Comment: The … Continue reading Comment: The UK election was so unfair it put my Chinese students off democracy
Mapping the Most Common Races
Select one or more races for a quick comparison. Counties are colored by the most prevalent. Scroll around the map to see percentage of the most common races in a city or … Continue reading Mapping the Most Common Races
You know you understand modern money when…
Interesting article I found. You know you understand modern money when… You know the difference between a currency issuer and a currency user. You know that the US, UK [or name your … Continue reading You know you understand modern money when…
President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership should it be called the Treason Act?
Imagine if President Reagan had introduced a massive treaty with the Soviet Union that would have imposed Russian laws upon the United States of America… Source: President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership should be … Continue reading President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership should it be called the Treason Act?
Greece’s depression worse than the Great Depression
And it looks far from over. Source: Greece’s depression worse Great Depression Continue reading Greece’s depression worse than the Great Depression
Journalist’s Fake Story Shows How Lazy Journalists Are
“Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate a chocolate bar every day. … Continue reading Journalist’s Fake Story Shows How Lazy Journalists Are
Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill
Critics of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership are unlikely to be silenced by an analysis of the flood of money it took to push the pact over its latest hurdle Source: Here’s how … Continue reading Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill
CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists
The intelligence agency quietly has shut down a program that provided climate researchers with data from spy satellites and other sources. → Why is this? Is it that the info doesn’t coincide … Continue reading CIA Stops Sharing Climate Change Info With Scientists