Millennials are disillusioned with politics.
One reason millennials may not be as politically motivated is they don’t see much of a difference between Democrats and Republicans. Source: Millennials are disillusioned with politics. Here’s a way that might … Continue reading Millennials are disillusioned with politics.
The dangerous whistleblowing websites of the U.S. government
Don’t even think about using any of them if you value your freedom. Source: The dangerous whistleblowing websites of the U.S. government Continue reading The dangerous whistleblowing websites of the U.S. government
US and UK spy agencies are exploiting flaws in security software
Those worries that governments are trying to undermine security software? They’re well-founded. Source: US and UK spy agencies are exploiting flaws in security software Continue reading US and UK spy agencies are exploiting flaws in security software
Journalist for Al Jazeera Held in Germany Awaits Verdict on Egyptian Arrest
“Every second that he sits in detention is shameful for Germany, given its standards of freedom of expression and of the press,” Mr. Altin said. Wow, what is … Continue reading Journalist for Al Jazeera Held in Germany Awaits Verdict on Egyptian Arrest
#endausteritynow Tweets 250,000 marching in London now. Continue reading #EndAusterityNow
Google says government forced it to hand over Jacob Appelbaum’s data for WikiLeaks grand jury
Google recently told Jacob Appelbaum, who has worked with WikiLeaks, that it was ordered to provide account data to federal investigators. Source: Google says government forced it to hand over Jacob Appelbaum’s … Continue reading Google says government forced it to hand over Jacob Appelbaum’s data for WikiLeaks grand jury
#Monetary Sovereignty – Mitchell » Economics
Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell Mitchell’s laws: Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereigntyand monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics. The more federal budgets are cut and … Continue reading #Monetary Sovereignty – Mitchell » Economics
Speaker of the Greek parliament explains impact of austerity on Greece
Video of Speech by the Speaker of the Greek Parliament to an Assembly of speakers of all EU national Parliaments – on the devastating impact of the austerity imposed on Greece and … Continue reading Speaker of the Greek parliament explains impact of austerity on Greece
George Clooney: Society must elect politicians who can make things better
Speaking at the premiere of new film Tomorrowland: A World Beyond, the star’s comments could reflect his desire to move into politics in these ‘bleak’ times Source: George Clooney: society must elect … Continue reading George Clooney: Society must elect politicians who can make things better
Chris Christie: “Women’s Viagra Pill Will Only Increase Lesbianism” WTF??!!!
“The men of today already have enough trouble satisfying women as it is” Source: Chris Christie: “Women’s Viagra Pill Will Only Increase Lesbianism” Continue reading Chris Christie: “Women’s Viagra Pill Will Only Increase Lesbianism” WTF??!!!
US Gov’t Office of Personnel Mgmt. has a second, much worse breach
Source: US Government Office of Personnel Management has a second, much worse breach – Boing Boing Continue reading US Gov’t Office of Personnel Mgmt. has a second, much worse breach
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