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An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out

By Charles | July 4, 2015

Essentially, my job was to identify countries that had resources that our corporations want, and that could be things like oil—or it could be markets—it could be transportation systems. There’re so many … Continue reading An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out

Our responsibility to vote ‘NO’ in the Greek referendum | ROAR Magazine

By Charles | July 3, 2015

It is evident that democracy and social justice have become incompatible with the European project; that the people of the European periphery are treated as scapegoats and called to pay the cost … Continue reading Our responsibility to vote ‘NO’ in the Greek referendum | ROAR Magazine

Je Suis

By Charles | July 1, 2015

je suis #Greece — Fabio Pittau (@FbaPtt) July 1, 2015 Continue reading Je Suis

The IMF defaulted on Greece a long time ago | ROAR Magazine

By Charles | June 30, 2015

Even its own officials recognize that the IMF played a leading role in Greece’s economic collapse. It is time for the Fund to own up and pay its dues. Source: The IMF … Continue reading The IMF defaulted on Greece a long time ago | ROAR Magazine

Syntagma Square, Athens

If you are Greek, or if you are simply Human

By Katerina | June 30, 2015

If you are Greek, you are witnessing the slow and torturous destruction of every aspect of your life. Continue reading If you are Greek, or if you are simply Human

Muse – Uprising

By Charles | June 30, 2015

While watching the super talented Kawehi do a cover of Muse’s Uprising (it starts at 4:42 in, she plays all the parts live, and loops them), I was reminded of how timely … Continue reading Muse – Uprising

Greek intellectuals: A revolution without them

By Katerina | June 30, 2015

Not too long ago, Russell Brand stirred the pot with a manifesto and an interview. His claims were applauded by millions of people around the world, and slammed … Continue reading Greek intellectuals: A revolution without them

Activist Post: US Admits Paying Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria

By Charles | June 30, 2015

According to the Pentagon, Syrian “rebels” being trained and “vetted” by the United States are receiving “compensation” to the tune of anywhere between $250 to $400 per month. Source: Activist Post: US … Continue reading Activist Post: US Admits Paying Terrorists For Services Rendered In Syria

Tougher encryption guidelines close a back door for NSA spies

By Charles | June 27, 2015

The US’ National Institute of Standards and Technology is more than a little worried that its encryption guideilnes have been creating back doors for spies Source: Tougher encryption guidelines close a back … Continue reading Tougher encryption guidelines close a back door for NSA spies

Statistician: Data Point to “Multiple Agents” Manipulating Election

By Charles | June 25, 2015

“My statistical analysis shows patterns indicative of vote manipulation in machines. The manipulation is relatively small, compared with the inherent variability of election results, but it is consistent. These results form a … Continue reading Statistician: Data Point to “Multiple Agents” Manipulating Election

WikiLeaks: The NSA spied on the last three French presidents

By Charles | June 23, 2015

Makes you wonder if we have any non-enemies! Source: WikiLeaks: The NSA spied on the last three French presidents Continue reading WikiLeaks: The NSA spied on the last three French presidents

CNN’s GoPro antics rile Supreme Court

By Charles | June 22, 2015

The Supreme Court of the United States briefly removed media interns from its press room on Monday after a CNN intern was caught recording video footage with a GoPro camera that he … Continue reading CNN’s GoPro antics rile Supreme Court