Trump’s Big Win Is a Giant Setback for Data Crunchers
Trump trumped data research by being Trump. ‘Nuff said. Source: Trump’s Big Win Is a Giant Setback for Data Crunchers | WIRED Continue reading Trump’s Big Win Is a Giant Setback for Data Crunchers
Cassetteboy vs The Snoopers’ Charter
Great video regarding Britain’s new Snoopers’ Charter law to spy on everything every single British person does online. And don’t think the US government doesn’t want to do the same. Source: Cassetteboy … Continue reading Cassetteboy vs The Snoopers’ Charter
#NSA spying is no big deal? For those who think that.
Surveillance Camera Man This kid is a genius! Great concept! Truly gets you to realize that the unfettered government spying is a not something to scoff at, especially when you experience it … Continue reading #NSA spying is no big deal? For those who think that.
Houston School Officials Call Police After Student Buys Lunch With $2 Bill
Although now in low circulation, the $2 bill is a real thing but some people who have never seen one invariably think it’s funny money. They accused the student of using counterfeit … Continue reading Houston School Officials Call Police After Student Buys Lunch With $2 Bill
GM shuts down Tesla’s direct sales chance in Connecticut
Two more state legislatures discussed Tesla’s efforts to sell its EVs direct to customers this week. The automaker was shut down in CT, and maybe also NC. Typical example of what happens … Continue reading GM shuts down Tesla’s direct sales chance in Connecticut
No one noticed a student’s exposed yearbook photo genitals until it was published
When officials did notice the penis in their school’s yearbook, Osborn was arrested on 69 counts of indecent exposure — one for each student in the photo with him — and one count … Continue reading No one noticed a student’s exposed yearbook photo genitals until it was published
Hillary Clinton Is Losing Oregon—But Winning Its Superdelegates
There are those who say superdelegates are a scam to protect the democratic party and fuck over Democracy. Then there are those who say it just is what it is and to … Continue reading Hillary Clinton Is Losing Oregon—But Winning Its Superdelegates
Incredible scenes in the Turkish parliament
I guess they’re a little on the ‘divided’ side of things over in the Turkish parliament. I was over there last year, and it’s no secret that Turkey is under a lot … Continue reading Incredible scenes in the Turkish parliament
You Won’t Believe What Airplane Food Looked Like In The ’60s
This is what airplane food looked like before the concept of quarterly profits took over the corporate world. Source: You Won’t Believe What Airplane Food Looked Like In The ’60s Continue reading You Won’t Believe What Airplane Food Looked Like In The ’60s
Sanders Supporter Discusses How She Will “Never” Vote For Clinton
Interesting discussion between a Sanders supporter and a Clinton supporter. What’s also interesting is that a poll out today shows Trump beating Hillary, head to head, but losing to Sanders. But … Continue reading Sanders Supporter Discusses How She Will “Never” Vote For Clinton
Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
We are witnessing a compression of the time frame in which unconstitutional activities can continue before they are exposed by acts of conscience. Article by Edward Snowden. Whistleblowing is an important component … Continue reading Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
The Economist explains: Why central banks are talking about throwing money from helicopters
“Helicopter money” is one proposed solution to the world’s economic slump Dumping money from helicopters on to the people? Sure, governments can do that, but they also can spend that money providing … Continue reading The Economist explains: Why central banks are talking about throwing money from helicopters
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