“Where’s the bill?”
“Where’s the bill?” This is why our Congress is so unproductive in really facing our conflicts with a solution. Some people in power, won’t listen, do not plan to make a … Continue reading “Where’s the bill?”
Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World
In most advanced countries, gun homicides are as rare as deaths from falling tree limbs or plane crashes. The United States is an outlier when it comes to the rate of gun … Continue reading Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World
Alan Rusbridger: Sources will die if we don’t ‘push back hard’ at snooper’s charter threat to press freedom
Rusbridger told the IBC legal conference in London: “It is the biggest threat to the press at the moment.” He noted that the fact UK police secretly access telecoms data in order … Continue reading Alan Rusbridger: Sources will die if we don’t ‘push back hard’ at snooper’s charter threat to press freedom
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Call for Bombing ISIS After Orlando Shooting That ISIS Didn’t Direct
Neither explained how escalating bombardments in Iraq and Syria would do anything to stop self-radicalized and/or unhinged attackers in the United States. Seems odd that Hillary and Donald call for more bombing … Continue reading Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Call for Bombing ISIS After Orlando Shooting That ISIS Didn’t Direct
The inmates have taken over pay2play
The inmates have taken over #pay2play #streetart Via Instagram Continue reading The inmates have taken over pay2play
Trump revokes press credentials of the Washington Post
Being critical of a presidential candidate and your “press credentials” get revoked? This really demonstrates what would happen if he was president. Source: Trump revokes press credentials of the Washington Post Continue reading Trump revokes press credentials of the Washington Post
Four Risks That Could Push the U.S. Economy Into Recession – Real Time Economics – WSJ
Economists place a 21% chance of the U.S. falling into recession next year. Here are four risks that could cause it: 1. China 2. Business investment 3. U.S. politics 4. Stall speed … Continue reading Four Risks That Could Push the U.S. Economy Into Recession – Real Time Economics – WSJ
Bhutan: The world’s first carbon negative country also the happiest Asian country
Know about world’s first carbon negative country, Bhutan in under two minutes. Their GDP is also measured in happiness, not dollars. Source: Bhutan: The world’s first carbon negative country – YouTube Source: Gross … Continue reading Bhutan: The world’s first carbon negative country also the happiest Asian country
Was Orlando Shooter Really Acting for ISIS? No. He was a sympathizer.
The terror group has blurred the line between operations planned and carried out by its core fighters and those carried out by its sympathizers. It’s irresponsible if the media tries to make … Continue reading Was Orlando Shooter Really Acting for ISIS? No. He was a sympathizer.
Warning, toxic spill! Mtn Dew streetart
Warning, toxic spill! Mtn Dew #plasticjesus #streetart Urban Outfitters Via Instagram Continue reading Warning, toxic spill! Mtn Dew streetart
Republicans Are Erasing LGBTQ People From Their Own Tragedy. How Fitting.
With the internet and social media history that we all have access to, you cannot erase things you have said publicly. Just because you ‘tweet’ your condolences but have always been against … Continue reading Republicans Are Erasing LGBTQ People From Their Own Tragedy. How Fitting.
Ronald Trump
Ronald #trump #streetart Deus Ex Machina USA Via Instagram Continue reading Ronald Trump
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