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Activist Likely to Gain Third Seat on Exxon Board – WSJ

By Underground | June 2, 2021

Engine No. 1—which challenged the oil giant’s strategy to focus on oil production amid climate change concerns—may expand its board-fight victory, an updated tally shows. This is good, oil companies have the resources today to start transforming themselves into sustainable industries, they might just need a little push to get things rolling. … Continue reading Activist Likely to Gain Third Seat on Exxon Board – WSJ

Facebook to allow posts saying Covid ‘man-made’ | The Guardian

By Underground | May 26, 2021

Facebook changes policy ‘in light of ongoing investigations into the origin of Covid’; Biden orders US intelligence to ‘redouble’ Covid origin probe; Japan promises ‘safe and secure’ Olympic Games Does this mean that social media companies from now on will determine what people are allowed to say and not say, depending on … Continue reading Facebook to allow posts saying Covid ‘man-made’ | The Guardian

What If We Just Stopped Calling the Cops?

By Underground | May 25, 2021

For decades, the solution to Black Americans’ distrust of cops has often been to not call them. Now white people are catching on too. Some white people are now rethinking whether it’s a good idea to rely on law enforcement, especially if summoning the police could harm someone. And entire cities have … Continue reading What If We Just Stopped Calling the Cops?

Republicans Move to Limit a Grass-Roots Tradition of Direct Democracy – The New York Times

By Underground | May 22, 2021

Through ballot initiatives, voters in red states have defied legislators’ wishes and produced liberal outcomes in recent years. Republicans want to make the practice harder, or even eliminate it. Is this a step in the right direction or two steps back? Source: Republicans Move to Limit a Grass-Roots Tradition of Direct Democracy … Continue reading Republicans Move to Limit a Grass-Roots Tradition of Direct Democracy – The New York Times

The Gulf Stream is weaker than it has been in 1,000 years. That’s bad news

By Underground | May 21, 2021

The Gulf Stream is one of the most important forces on Earth that you will never see. This powerful ocean current brings warm waters from the Gulf of Mexico into the Atlantic Ocean, carrying them past the east coast of the United States, all the way… This could tip the planet into … Continue reading The Gulf Stream is weaker than it has been in 1,000 years. That’s bad news

An ‘Army of 16-Year-Olds’ Takes On the Democrats – The New York Times

By Underground | May 20, 2021

Young progressives are an unpredictable new factor in Massachusetts elections. They’re ardent, and organized, and they don’t take orders. Great, people should become engaged in politics even before they can vote! An engaged population is key to maintaining a democracy. Source: An ‘Army of 16-Year-Olds’ Takes On the Democrats – The New … Continue reading An ‘Army of 16-Year-Olds’ Takes On the Democrats – The New York Times

Palestinian Journalist Says Twitter Asked Her to Remove Tweets

By Underground | May 12, 2021

Mariam Barghouti’s Twitter account was also temporarily restricted, which the company said was an accident. This is not good. If it happened to her account, it must have happened to hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts, and is indicative of a much larger problem – the silencing of dissenting voices, or even … Continue reading Palestinian Journalist Says Twitter Asked Her to Remove Tweets

Every Major Company to Leave Facebook So Far

By Underground | May 11, 2021

A slew of major companies have withdrawn their presence and advertising spend across Facebook amid a growing concern over unregulated hate speech, racism and possible data breaches. Good for Unilever, Tesla and Space X. Source: Every Major Company to Leave Facebook So Far Continue reading Every Major Company to Leave Facebook So Far

After Ledell Lee’s Execution, Another Man’s DNA Is Found on the Murder Weapon

By Underground | May 7, 2021

Lawyers’ request to conduct additional DNA testing before Ledell Lee was executed had been denied. Was it really necessary to bring back the death penalty last year when it had been on hiatus for so many years? And was it really necessary to execute this man when evidence now shows that he … Continue reading After Ledell Lee’s Execution, Another Man’s DNA Is Found on the Murder Weapon

Why The U.S. Can’t Go Broke – Stephanie Kelton

By Underground | April 29, 2021

The U.S. national debt is now bigger than its economy. That might sound scary, but we’ll explain how the United States can never go broke and can actually pay all of its … Continue reading Why The U.S. Can’t Go Broke – Stephanie Kelton

For Billion-Dollar COVID Vaccines, Basic Government-Funded Science Laid the Groundwork – Scientific American

By Underground | April 29, 2021

Much of the pioneering work on mRNA vaccines was done with government money, though drugmakers could walk away with big profits Another example of why the whole argument that government is bad, without the funding by the government these vaccines would not have been developed in the time they were developed. Also, … Continue reading For Billion-Dollar COVID Vaccines, Basic Government-Funded Science Laid the Groundwork – Scientific American

Supreme Court Rejects Restrictions On Life Without Parole For Juveniles : NPR

By Underground | April 22, 2021

The court’s conservatives said that a judge need not make a finding of “permanent incorrigibility” before sentencing a juvenile offender to life without parole. This is a step backwards for a country that is supposed to be “beacon” for the rest of the world. This vote was 100% along party lines. Source: … Continue reading Supreme Court Rejects Restrictions On Life Without Parole For Juveniles : NPR