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In-N-Out Managers Make $160,000 Per Year
“Our research shows that companies that take the high road make a profit not in spite of paying their workers better but because they pay their workers better” Something to be learned … Continue reading In-N-Out Managers Make $160,000 Per Year
What if every government paid off its national debt?
IT might make you feel better but tomorrow if the US Federal Government, or Australia or the UK repaid the entirety of its national debt, it would make not one dollar’s difference … Continue reading What if every government paid off its national debt?
NAIRU: not just bad economics, now also bad politics
A morally odious theory is empirically unsupportable and increasingly questioned by a younger generation of central bankers. Expect politicians to make more noise about the Fed’s controversial choices after Yellen is gone. … Continue reading NAIRU: not just bad economics, now also bad politics
Detect Net Neutrality Violations Right From Your iPhone (Initially Blocked by Apple)
After this article was published, Apple told Dave Choffnes [the developer of the app] that his iPhone app, designed to detect net neutrality violations, will be allowed in the iTunes App Store. … Continue reading Detect Net Neutrality Violations Right From Your iPhone (Initially Blocked by Apple)
Senate passes bill to give NSA 6 more years of warrantless surveillance on Americans
#FISA: Senate passes bill to give NSA 6 more years of warrantless surveillance on Americans Odd that some key Democrats voted in favor of extending this as well. Source: #FISA: Senate passes … Continue reading Senate passes bill to give NSA 6 more years of warrantless surveillance on Americans
They struck net neutrality down. Now it’s becoming more powerful than they could possibly imagine
This is a war on multiple fronts — and there are many reasons to believe the people will win. It looks like this issue is not over yet, thanks to the people. … Continue reading They struck net neutrality down. Now it’s becoming more powerful than they could possibly imagine
Minister confirms Britain will not leave Europe ‘geographically’
Details surrounding Brexit are still uncertain as the country speeds towards Theresa May’s Article 50 deadline at the end of March. But one thing is for sure: the island of Britain will … Continue reading Minister confirms Britain will not leave Europe ‘geographically’
Stronger Labor Unions Could Do a Lot of Good – Bloomberg
Nothing else has been able to stop the decline in workers’ bargaining power. The decline in unions seems to be directly related to the decline in wages and the separation between … Continue reading Stronger Labor Unions Could Do a Lot of Good – Bloomberg
Work Requirements Won’t Improve Medicaid. A Jobs Guarantee Might. – The Atlantic
Paying people to work would be a more direct—and less expensive—way to lift them out of poverty. If the federal government really wants to harness the benefits of employment to improve beneficiaries’ … Continue reading Work Requirements Won’t Improve Medicaid. A Jobs Guarantee Might. – The Atlantic
Filibuster threat means Trump needs Senate Democrats to pass spying bill
The House of Representatives passed legislation Thursday that would extend a controversial government spying power known as “Section 702” for another six years—without new privacy safeguards that had been sought by civil … Continue reading Filibuster threat means Trump needs Senate Democrats to pass spying bill
Science Says: Why there’s a big chill in a warmer world
WASHINGTON (AP) – Anchorage, Alaska, was warmer Tuesday than Jacksonville, Florida. The weather in the U.S. is that upside down. That’s because the Arctic’s deeply frigid weather escaped its regular atmospheric jail … Continue reading Science Says: Why there’s a big chill in a warmer world
New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines
A bipartisan group of six senators has introduced legislation that would take a huge step toward securing elections in the United States. Called the Secure Elections Act, the bill aims to eliminate … Continue reading New bill could finally get rid of paperless voting machines
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