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Greece’s bailout is finally at an end – but has been a failure | The Guardian

By Underground | August 19, 2018

The strategy of austerity will have long-term consequences throughout Europe And Greece will continue to suffer for decades to come. Source: Greece’s bailout is finally at an end – but has been a failure | Larry Elliott | World news | The Guardian Continue reading Greece’s bailout is finally at an end – but has been a failure | The Guardian

As the progressive push for big spending grows, so does the Democratic divide on the deficit

By Underground | August 19, 2018

The growing split between progressives and party leaders on deficit spending could define the party’s future. Once people figure out exactly how money works – that when the government spends more than … Continue reading As the progressive push for big spending grows, so does the Democratic divide on the deficit

What are taxes actually for? – Claire Connelly

By Underground | August 18, 2018

We need to talk about taxation. I do not think it means what you think it means. In countries whose governments issue their own currencies, taxes do not pay for federal services. Governments like those of the US, UK, China, Australia, Canada, etc run spend & tax economies, not tax and spend. … Continue reading What are taxes actually for? – Claire Connelly

Emails show RBS bankers joked about crashing the US housing market before 2008

By Underground | August 16, 2018

Email transcripts released by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) show RBS bankers joking about destroying the housing market before the 2008 crash. And they are not the only bank that knew … Continue reading Emails show RBS bankers joked about crashing the US housing market before 2008

“Hothouse Earth” Co-Author: The Problem Is Neoliberal Economics

By Underground | August 15, 2018

“Throw people in jail, fine them, do whatever you need to do. But make sure you get the biophysical outcome. From what I’ve seen, market mechanisms don’t always deliver that.” Hey governments … Continue reading “Hothouse Earth” Co-Author: The Problem Is Neoliberal Economics

Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini Points Finger at EU After Italian Bridge Disaster Kills 35

By Underground | August 14, 2018

  The failure of a roughly 50-year-old suspension bridge in Genoa shows how important it is to increase investment spending in Italy, Salvini told reporters Tuesday in Catania, Sicily, hinting that EU … Continue reading Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini Points Finger at EU After Italian Bridge Disaster Kills 35

Why this clothing company is making its factory wages public

By Underground | August 12, 2018

Apparel company Able wants to hold the fashion industry accountable for working conditions–by publishing the salaries of everyone in its supply chain. This is great. Source: Why this clothing company is making … Continue reading Why this clothing company is making its factory wages public

If wages are to rise, workers need more bargaining power – Free exchange: Power is money

By Underground | August 11, 2018

Stronger unions, better training and more housing in expensive cities might all help Unions really are the key. Source: If wages are to rise, workers need more bargaining power – Free exchange: … Continue reading If wages are to rise, workers need more bargaining power – Free exchange: Power is money

The Koch Brothers Commissioned a Survey of Americans and Found Most Like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care

By Underground | August 11, 2018

Where the Koch brothers see government tyranny, most Americans see common-sense solutions to basic problems, it turns out. Funny how these Koch brother studies lately have been finding out that the people … Continue reading The Koch Brothers Commissioned a Survey of Americans and Found Most Like a $15 Minimum Wage, Free College, and Universal Health Care

Plant-based milk alternatives disrupt dairy – Got oats?

By Underground | August 8, 2018

America and Europe’s dairy industries cry over spilt milk Plant based milks are doing so well, the dairy industry has responded by lobbying the EU to prevent plant based milks from using … Continue reading Plant-based milk alternatives disrupt dairy – Got oats?

Why can’t millennials afford houses? Blame bachelor parties, says study

By Underground | August 7, 2018

Are bachelorette parties the new avocado toast? Excuse me? With student debt through the roof, and house prices also through the roof, it’s got nothing to do with bachelor parties. Wake up … Continue reading Why can’t millennials afford houses? Blame bachelor parties, says study

EPA is now allowing asbestos back into manufacturing

By Underground | August 6, 2018

On June 1, the EPA authorized a “SNUR” (Significant New Use Rule) which allows new products containing asbestos to be created on a case-by-case basis. Currently it kills 40,000 people a year. … Continue reading EPA is now allowing asbestos back into manufacturing