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The dangerous whistleblowing websites of the U.S. government

By Charles | June 22, 2015

Don’t even think about using any of them if you value your freedom. Source: The dangerous whistleblowing websites of the U.S. government Continue reading The dangerous whistleblowing websites of the U.S. government

US and UK spy agencies are exploiting flaws in security software

By Charles | June 22, 2015

Those worries that governments are trying to undermine security software? They’re well-founded. Source: US and UK spy agencies are exploiting flaws in security software Continue reading US and UK spy agencies are exploiting flaws in security software

Journalist for Al Jazeera Held in Germany Awaits Verdict on Egyptian Arrest

By Charles | June 21, 2015

“Every second that he sits in detention is shameful for Germany, given its standards of freedom of expression and of the press,” Mr. Altin said. Wow, what is … Continue reading Journalist for Al Jazeera Held in Germany Awaits Verdict on Egyptian Arrest


By Charles | June 20, 2015

#endausteritynow Tweets 250,000 marching in London now. Continue reading #EndAusterityNow

Why the UK Election Results are the Worst in History.

By Charles | June 19, 2015

By CP Grey Continue reading Why the UK Election Results are the Worst in History.

Google says government forced it to hand over Jacob Appelbaum’s data for WikiLeaks grand jury

By Charles | June 19, 2015

Google recently told Jacob Appelbaum, who has worked with WikiLeaks, that it was ordered to provide account data to federal investigators. Source: Google says government forced it to hand over Jacob Appelbaum’s … Continue reading Google says government forced it to hand over Jacob Appelbaum’s data for WikiLeaks grand jury

#Monetary Sovereignty – Mitchell » Economics

By Charles | June 19, 2015

Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell Mitchell’s laws: Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereigntyand monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics. The more federal budgets are cut and … Continue reading #Monetary Sovereignty – Mitchell » Economics

Speaker of the Greek parliament explains impact of austerity on Greece

By Charles | June 18, 2015

Video of Speech by the Speaker of the Greek Parliament to an Assembly of speakers of all EU national Parliaments – on the devastating impact of the austerity imposed on Greece and … Continue reading Speaker of the Greek parliament explains impact of austerity on Greece

US Gov’t Office of Personnel Mgmt. has a second, much worse breach

By Charles | June 13, 2015

Source: US Government Office of Personnel Management has a second, much worse breach – Boing Boing Continue reading US Gov’t Office of Personnel Mgmt. has a second, much worse breach

Former NSA boss: “We kill people based on metadata”

By Charles | June 12, 2015

Source: Former NSA boss: “We kill people based on metadata” – YouTube Continue reading Former NSA boss: “We kill people based on metadata”

IMF – Iceland’s economy recovered after it imprisoned bankers & let banks go bust – instead of bailing them out

By Charles | June 10, 2015

“It is dangerous that someone is too big to investigate – it gives a sense there is a safe haven.”. This year the International Monetary Fund declared that Iceland had achieved economic … Continue reading IMF – Iceland’s economy recovered after it imprisoned bankers & let banks go bust – instead of bailing them out

Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes

By Charles | June 9, 2015

After years of asserting that hydraulic fracturing has never tainted drinking water, the Obama administration issued a long-awaited study of the controversial oil and gas production technique that confirmed “specific instances” when … Continue reading Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes