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About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040

By Charles | December 28, 2015

If you were thinking that the rise of long-range electric vehicles, like the forthcoming Chevy Bolt or Tesla Model 3, might lead to the demise of gas-burning cars, think again. According to … Continue reading About 94% of cars will still be powered by fossil fuels in 2040

Bankruptcy’s Student Loan Exception Hurts Elders | Demos

By Charles | December 28, 2015

Over one-third of the $1.2 trillion in student debt—or nearly $420 billion—is currently held by those 40 or older. Older Americans in particular who struggle to pay off loan debt do not … Continue reading Bankruptcy’s Student Loan Exception Hurts Elders | Demos

100 years ago in 1915

By Charles | December 28, 2015

The post below is making the rounds today. Notice the second to last item: “Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.” And that was with only the … Continue reading 100 years ago in 1915

UK Home Office: Theresa May wants to see your internet history, so media thought only fair to ask for hers

By Charles | December 27, 2015

The Home Office has refused to make Theresa May’s internet browsing history public under freedom of information rules, arguing that a request to do so is “vexatious”. The Independent requested the Home … Continue reading UK Home Office: Theresa May wants to see your internet history, so media thought only fair to ask for hers

Is Greece really on the road to recovery? – BBC News

By Charles | December 25, 2015 1

Greece’s economy should return to growth next year – unless something else gets in the way This article at the BBC is complete hogwash. There is not one indicator that shows any … Continue reading Is Greece really on the road to recovery? – BBC News

Stats wiz Nate Silver: For black Americans, US is about as dangerous as Rwanda

By Charles | December 24, 2015

Wow. Remember this is from a guy that does statistics. Source: Stats wiz Nate Silver: For black Americans, US is about as dangerous as Rwanda Continue reading Stats wiz Nate Silver: For black Americans, US is about as dangerous as Rwanda

Protests in Poland as proposed laws curtail women’s rights

By Charles | December 23, 2015

Religiously conservative Law & Justice party embarks on nuclear family agenda, described as ‘payback time for the church’ after years of liberalism What’s going on in Poland shows how bad the EU … Continue reading Protests in Poland as proposed laws curtail women’s rights

Ex-undercover officer who infiltrated political groups resigns from academic posts

By Charles | December 23, 2015

Bob Lambert, who fathered a child with an activist, quits part-time posts at St Andrews and London Metropolitan universities. He infiltrated animal rights and environmental groups in the 1980s…. he had fathered … Continue reading Ex-undercover officer who infiltrated political groups resigns from academic posts

Florida woman dies after being forcibly removed from hospital in handcuffs

By Charles | December 23, 2015

Barbara Dawson, 57, collapsed Monday while being escorted in handcuffs from the Liberty Calhoun Hospital, where she went to seek treatment for breathing difficulties. Welcome to healthcare in the United States, oh, … Continue reading Florida woman dies after being forcibly removed from hospital in handcuffs

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson secretly bought newspaper, ordered all hands to investigate judges he hated

By Charles | December 21, 2015

Another example demonstrating why our news organizations are doing a horrible job of maintaining our democracy, they are all pretty much owned by the very people undermining our democracy. Source: Billionaire Sheldon … Continue reading Billionaire Sheldon Adelson secretly bought newspaper, ordered all hands to investigate judges he hated

Technology And The Deep State | TechCrunch

By Charles | December 19, 2015

Is it true? Is America truly ruled by shadowy figures making secret decisions? …If only things were so simple. Interesting article over at TechCrunch about our state of democracy – are both … Continue reading Technology And The Deep State | TechCrunch

Reagan, Bush 41 memos reveal they were very concerned about climate change

By Charles | December 18, 2015

“If the climate change within the range of current predictions actually occurs, the consequences for every nation and every aspect of human activity will be profound,” acting assistant secretary Richard J. Smith … Continue reading Reagan, Bush 41 memos reveal they were very concerned about climate change