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Preventing a Great Depression Will Cost $10 Trillion – The Atlantic

By Underground | May 18, 2020

Don’t think of that number as “big” or “bold.” Just think of it as the appropriate dosage for a once-in-a-century economic affliction. We’ve done it before, we can do it again. Source: … Continue reading Preventing a Great Depression Will Cost $10 Trillion – The Atlantic

Maybe Modern Monetary Theory is an answer to the COVID-19 economic crisis – Marketplace

By Underground | May 15, 2020

We’re finally, finally, doing an episode on MMT. Just in time for the deficit to triple.   Source: Maybe Modern Monetary Theory is an answer to the COVID-19 economic crisis – Marketplace Continue reading Maybe Modern Monetary Theory is an answer to the COVID-19 economic crisis – Marketplace

Senate gives law enforcement the OK to spy on your internet history

By Underground | May 13, 2020

A heartbreaker of a vote just went down in the U.S. Senate with disturbing implications for online privacy. On Wednesday, the Senate failed to pass an amendment to parts of the Patriot Act that would explicitly prevent law enforcement from using it to justify collecting individuals’ internet browser and search history without … Continue reading Senate gives law enforcement the OK to spy on your internet history

Opinion | Congress: Enact a Federal Job Guarantee – The New York Times

By Underground | May 9, 2020

Congress should enact a federal jobs guarantee. If the private sector doesn’t have the capacity to hire, the federal government can step in and provide jobs to help stimulate the economy and keep people alive. Source: Opinion | Congress: Enact a Federal Job Guarantee – The New York Times Continue reading Opinion | Congress: Enact a Federal Job Guarantee – The New York Times

Can governments afford the debts they are piling up to stabilise economies?

By Underground | May 3, 2020

Yes — It poses no inherent danger to states that issue their own currency There are three real reasons. First, a currency-issuing government never needs to borrow its own currency. Second, it can always determine the interest rate on bonds it chooses to sell. Third, government bonds help to shore up the … Continue reading Can governments afford the debts they are piling up to stabilise economies?

The climate crisis will deepen coronavirus. A green stimulus plan can tackle both

By Underground | April 21, 2020

The convergence of the climate and coronavirus crisis will be catastrophic. Now is the time to deploy a green stimulus And as the Covid-19 pandemic has shown, we have the resources (money) … Continue reading The climate crisis will deepen coronavirus. A green stimulus plan can tackle both

Coronavirus has destroyed the myth of the deficit | Yeva Nersisyan and L Randall Wray | Opinion | The Guardian

By Underground | April 17, 2020

No, federal government spending doesn’t have to be ‘paid for’. The crisis shows providing for our society is not a financial issue This could be a blessing in disguise as the people … Continue reading Coronavirus has destroyed the myth of the deficit | Yeva Nersisyan and L Randall Wray | Opinion | The Guardian

How the Government Pulls Coronavirus Relief Money Out of Thin Air – The New York Times

By Underground | April 15, 2020

Once-fringe ideas in economic theory are now nearly official policy as government borrowing surges and the Federal Reserve signals it could buy unlimited debt. “Once the central bank buys them (the bonds), it’s as if the Treasury never issued them in the first place,” said Dr. Kelton, “For all intents and purposes, … Continue reading How the Government Pulls Coronavirus Relief Money Out of Thin Air – The New York Times

Bank of England to directly finance extra government spending

By Underground | April 9, 2020

The UK has become the first country to embrace the monetary financing of government to fund the immediate cost of fighting coronavirus, with the Bank of England to directly finance the state’s spending needs on a temporary basis. The move would allow the government to bypass the bond market until the Covid-19 pandemic … Continue reading Bank of England to directly finance extra government spending

[LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News

By Underground | April 7, 2020

Source: [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News – YouTube Continue reading [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News

The Nordic Way to Economic Rescue – The New York Times

By Underground | March 30, 2020

In the face of the pandemic, Denmark is effectively nationalizing private payrolls, in contrast to the patchwork American system. The US has the capability to bring the economy roaring back but only if we make sure that small businesses and the workforce are made As whole as possible. And this article points … Continue reading The Nordic Way to Economic Rescue – The New York Times

Critics blast EPA move as license to pollute during pandemic

By Underground | March 28, 2020

Critics worry a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy will leave the agency unaware of how much pollution is leaking into air, water and soil as companies are given the green light to There is a saying in politics: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Source: Critics blast EPA move … Continue reading Critics blast EPA move as license to pollute during pandemic