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Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
We are witnessing a compression of the time frame in which unconstitutional activities can continue before they are exposed by acts of conscience. Article by Edward Snowden. Whistleblowing is an important component … Continue reading Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
The Economist explains: Why central banks are talking about throwing money from helicopters
“Helicopter money” is one proposed solution to the world’s economic slump Dumping money from helicopters on to the people? Sure, governments can do that, but they also can spend that money providing … Continue reading The Economist explains: Why central banks are talking about throwing money from helicopters
We must protect the children
Source: TKDMike on Twitter: “@realDonaldTrump https://t.co/PfD1Bj988d” Continue reading We must protect the children
‘Free’ community college for Boston students? Not really.
The hosts gushed over what seemed to be pretty pathbreaking news in the face of higher education costs that are often a huge barrier to students from lower-income families. “You might want … Continue reading ‘Free’ community college for Boston students? Not really.
Carly Fiorina falls off the stage
While introducing Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina falls off the stage. Seems like there is some funny symbolism here! Source: Fiorina drops like Cruz polls Continue reading Carly Fiorina falls off the stage
Influence Abroad: American vulture funds feed on Argentina’s debt crisis
While that certainly is true, American wealth and political power has sometimes played an oversized role in influencing the economics of sovereign nations. By destabilizing entire nations, it is not the politicians … Continue reading Influence Abroad: American vulture funds feed on Argentina’s debt crisis
Europe’s liberal illusions shatter as Greek tragedy plays on
Voters across Europe have got the message from the way in which Greece’s opposition to austerity was crushed Another book coming out explaining that the single currency, the Euro, is a disaster … Continue reading Europe’s liberal illusions shatter as Greek tragedy plays on
Letters: The EU referendum isn’t about economics – it’s about democracy
The EU In/Out debate has largely been focussed upon economics, which are imponderables, yet described as facts. When we vote in general and in the referendum in particular … Continue reading Letters: The EU referendum isn’t about economics – it’s about democracy
Craig Wright revealed as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto
Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright has publicly identified himself as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. People still have their doubts, but the evidence does appear to support that this is the guy. What does … Continue reading Craig Wright revealed as Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto
TTIP: Free trade at expense of the environment?
Greenpeace has published and plans to analyze leaked documents regarding the transatlantic free trade deal TTIP. The planned agreement has been a thorn in environmentalists’ side for quite some time. The bottom … Continue reading TTIP: Free trade at expense of the environment?
False Idols
Very cool street art I found on our street. Don’t know who the artist is, but it has a secret message attached to the back! Continue reading False Idols
US government $19 trillion debt not a problem
It’s a big number, but it doesn’t mean there is big danger, Scott Brown of Raymond James said. This article states that the gov’t debt is not a problem, which it isn’t, then … Continue reading US government $19 trillion debt not a problem
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