House of Representatives
- H.R. 654: Pacific Northwest Earthquake Preparedness Act of 2017
- Requires the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop a plan for implementing earthquake early warning systems in the Cascadia Subduction Zone (near Oregon and Washington).
- Passed by 395-11
Requires FEMA to report its plans to Congress regarding record maintenance, assistance to applicants and grantees for funding and procedures. Passed 408-0
- H.R. 1214: Disaster SAVE Act
- Requires FEMA to temporarily increase the Public Assistance Grant Program to $500,000 (was $123,000 previously). Passed by voice vote
This resolution repeals a previous resolution established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that limits broadband providers from collecting customer information. Passed 215-205
H.R. 1430: HONEST Act
Prohibits the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from proposing or publishing scientific assessments if the science itself isn’t transparent or reproducible. Passed 228-194
- Amends the Environmental Research, Development and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 in order to revise the process of selecting members for the Advisory Board and limiting terms. Registered lobbyists may not be appointed to the Board and members of the Board may not have received grants from the EPA up to three years after the ending of their term. Passed by 229-193
- Vote on Treaty 114-12 to allow Montenegro to join NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (Cloture 97-2)
- Vote on Treaty 114-12 to allow Montenegro to join NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (Ratified 97-2)
Repreals a regulation by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that prevents states from denying funding for family plans under “Title X” because they provide abortion services (Passed 51-50, tiebreaker vote by VP Pence)
Nullifies a rule submitted by the Department of Labor’s Employment Benefits Security Administration regarding savings arangments that were established by qualified state political subdivisions for non-governmental employees (Passed 50-49)
- Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee have a confirmation hearing on the nomination of Alexander Acosta for Secratary of Labor