House of Representatives
Tuesday (Postponed)
Authorizes the S.o.I to move land from Arbuckle Project (OK) to Arbuckle Master Conservancy District
Replaces map size of park from before
Allows D.o.I to amend the Definite Plan Report for the Seedskadee Project (provide the study, design, planning and construction activities for active storage capacity for Fontenelle Dam & Reservoir)
H.R. 1181: Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act
Should judges be responsible for barring veterans with mental issues from possessing guns instead of the VA?
- H.R. 1238: Securing Our Agriculture and Food Act
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to make the Assist. Secretary of HS for Health Affairs in charge for DHS related to food, veterinary defense against terrorism and agriculture
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require a multiyear acquisition strategy of the DHS. (Other purposes too)
- H.R. 1252: DHS Acquisition Authorities Act of 2017
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide acquisition authorities for the Under Secretary of Management of the DHS. (Other purposes too)
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 for technical corrections to the requirement that the Secretary of HS needs to submit quadrennial homeland security reviews. (Other purposes too)
H.R. 1302: Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel Exercise Act of 2017
Should the DHS plan and conduct exercises to test law enforcement for terrorist attack preparation?
- H.R. 1309: TSA Administrator Modernization Act of 2017
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and United States Code Section 114, to clarify the Administrator of the TSA and replacing Department of Transportation with Department of HS
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require more detailing of the 5-year strategic technology investment plan of the TSA
Amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to add more detailing in the tasks for the USM
- H.R. 1259: VA Accountability First Act of 2017
Amends Title 38 of the US Code to allow the removal/demotion of employees of the DVA if they have poor performance or misconduct
- Confirmation vote to nominate Seema Verma for Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.